Monday, December 29, 2014

Noche Blanca


Surprise! The Elders got transferred out 2 days before Christmas – crazy! They found out Monday night and had to leave Tuesday morning at 6:00 am. We had planned to have our District Christmas Party on Tuesday so we went to the church at 4:00 am and we still had it before the Elders left our area. We were pretty tired but it was worth it! The new Elders came and they are both really sweet.

On Christmas Eve, we got to deliver the gifts for “Toys for Tots” and it was so much fun! The families were all really excited and they were so grateful to have food and toys for Christmas. We were so grateful to be a part of it!

Sister Valdivia's birthday was on Christmas Eve so we celebrated with cupcakes and all that jazz! For her birthday – she really wanted it to snow and there was no snow anywhere. But, when we were driving back to our apartment, we saw some snow that people had thrown into the street. We had no idea where it came from but we took it! We put it on the windshield of our car and took it back to our house and built a snowman on our front porch. Prayer works – she got snow on her birthday!

Merry Christmas! We set an alarm for midnight and opened all of our presents then. It is a tradition for Sister Valdivia so we had to do it. It was so much fun! Thanks everyone for everything – it was such a great Christmas! We got to go over to the White's house and spent some time with them and play games while everyone was Skyping. Skyping my family was the best! It was so good to see everyone and I miss them so much! Everyone looks so good and so happy! I seriously have the best family in the world and I am so grateful for all that they do for me. I love them!

I found out this week that my Zodiak Sign is “Aries” and that I am a “Mountain Ash” tree. It was funny to see how much it actually really describes me. We got a big hoot out of it – thanks Abby!

It snowed the day after Christmas! We didn't have a white Christmas but we now have snow. Yeah! In fact – it is snowing right now and we love it! Now it feels a lot more like winter – the temperature is down to 20+ degrees.

“What we are is more important than what we have been. And what we become is more important than what we are.”

“Don't ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet.” – Sister Pat Barton

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 22, 2014

Feliz Navidad!

Sisters In Our Zone



We had a redneck moment this week! The Millers’ daughter (Opal) got married last Saturday so they invited us over earlier in the week to help with a hog that they were going to kill and prepare for the wedding dinner. Did I mention that it was alive when they got it!? By the time we got there, they had already killed the poor guy and were shaving all the hair off. So – I got to participate with shaving a hog – and there was a lot of blood and all that other jazz. Of course – I wore my cowboy boots – so they got all nice and bloody but I loved it! It was so much fun – there was a fire going and we were having a great redneck’n time. That Saturday, we got to eat him at the wedding. Sad to say that I saw him before he was put in the oven ... but he tasted so good!

I got to try “Chicken and Waffles” for the first time this week and it was actually pretty good! Not as redneck as killing a hog but it was still really good.

We got to help with “Toys for Tots” this week. They find families who can't afford Christmas and they put together Christmas presents for the kids and food for the families. We helped organize all the toys and put them in the correct bags – it was so much fun! On Christmas Eve – we get to deliver the gifts to a couple of the families. We actually recognized some of the families that the gifts are being delivered to so we are really excited. Also, we got some pretty sweet shirts so that is a bonus!

Uyen (pronounced “When”) is a less-active’s friend – who was not really interested in the gospel previously – but this week she came out and listened in on a lesson. She loved it! She told us how she had felt the Spirit and that she really wanted to learn more. She has kept all of her commitments and she even reads more than we invite her to.

This Sunday – Melanie was sick – so she called us early in the morning and asked if she could get a ride from somebody because she really wanted to go to church. We were shocked that she took the initiative to go to church – so we found her a ride – and she loved church so much! She wants to be baptized so she is working on some old habits so that she can be ready. She is a miracle!

We sang in the Christmas Choir on Sunday! I still cannot sing but it was so much fun. A lot of people came to church on Sunday – it was awesome!

“Depend on the Lord, enjoy every opportunity, and delight in the life you have.” – Sister Kristen M. Oaks

Annette Erickson inspired quotes:

  • “I have come to know that inspiration comes more as a feeling than as a sound. It is a voice that one feels more than one hears.” – President Boyd K. Packer
  • “A thousand years of experience through sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and all powers of the universe combined cannot approach the sublime and complete experience of one brief moment under the influence of the Holy Ghost.” – Bishop Keith B. McMullin

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 15, 2014

He is the Reason for the Season


This week has been one of the best weeks of my mission. Not because I did a lot of teaching or anything but I am starting to feel like the Lord is trusting me more and the Spirit is working stronger in me than it ever has before. I am learning so much and I love it!

The Elders surprised us with a real Christmas tree last Monday! It is pretty tall (5 feet or so) and it is so cute! We had fun putting lights on it and making cheesy ornaments with pass-along cards. It is so fun and it smells so good! We have it in our study room by the window so everyone can see it and we can always smell it.

We are the best stalkers! Jasmine and Tyson (investigators) moved last week – and they didn't know the exact address where they were moving to – so they just told us the general area. They don’t have a phone so we don’t have any way of contacting them but we knew that we had to find them. We went over one night to the general area where they told us, said a prayer, and then followed the Spirit. The second door that we knocked on was their house! They were so surprised to see us! It was a good surprise – not a creepy "stalkerish" surprise. We were able to talk to them about the Word of Wisdom this week and they are both super committed to quit smoking! We made them a little care package of how to quit and they are doing so well. On Sunday, Tyson had to work but Jasmine and her 3 little sisters all came to church and they absolutely loved it! They told us that this is where they are supposed to be and that they have never felt so much joy in their lives. Also, they love being surrounded by so many good influences at church and they know that people are happy because of the Spirit!

Mission Christmas Party

We had our Mission Christmas Party this weekend and it was so much fun! We had an ugly sweater contest so we made the Elders their ugly sweaters because they gave us a tree. Their sweaters were the best ones at the party – if you ask us – but somehow they didn't win the ugly sweater contest. Oh well, it was fun anyway!

The Maestas got baptized this weekend! Whoo! The dad is a less-active who is coming back to church and his wife (Jessica) and their son (Kristopher) got baptized. They were so happy – I absolutely love this family! Marla Hicks actually spoke at the baptism and she did a fabulous job. I love how much Marla has changed since her baptism and she is growing in leaps and bounds. I have never seen anyone with so much faith and I love her so much.

Funny moment…
Sister Valdivia got pulled over – hilarious! The Elders were following us and the cop tried to pull us both over but he only got us. Thankfully, he let us off with a warning. We were going 38 in a 25 – so funny!

Cool thing this week…
I started a prayer journal about a week ago and I got a prompting that we should go see a less-active named Sister Schwab because she needed a blessing. A couple days later our plans fell through – so we prayed – and I got another prompting that we should go over there right then. When we went over to her house, it was perfect timing! She had just returned home and she was super sick. Also, she was going through a really hard time with her family. We asked if she would like a blessing and she replied, “Yes, I would love one.” The Elders came over later that night and gave her a beautiful blessing. The next day she felt good enough to go to the Ward Christmas Party. This was such a testimony builder! It was one of the first times that the Spirit was able to testify to me in advance what others needed and I know that it was the Spirit that guided us in that situation. I love this gospel!

"The actions whereby we demonstrate that we truly do love God and our neighbor as ourselves will rarely be such as to attract the gaze of admiration of the world. Usually our love will be shown in our day-to-day associations with one another." – President Thomas S. Monson

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."

Chili and Cinnamon Rolls – must be a flatland thing but they taste really good together!

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's the Holiday Season!


Dios utiliza tu fe para moldear tu carácter.
Translation: God uses your faith to mold your character.

We are so excited for December! We have seen so many miracles and there is nothing better than a whole community centered on Christ for the holidays. Zuriko Llaca's baptism is on January 3rd and we are hoping to have Jasmine and Tyson baptized on the 27th of December.

The Hicks bore their testimonies in Sacrament yesterday for the first time. It was the sweetest thing in the world! The Spirit was so strong and you can truly see how much the gospel has truly blessed their family and how much they love learning more and more every day. Nathan passes the Sacrament every week – and in his testimony  he said that he “really likes all the Priesthood stuff.” That was the joke the rest of the meeting – that Priesthood stuff is really cool. Love them!

This week we went over to see an investigator named Andrea. She was a referral from the Elders so we didn't know much about her. When we went over there, her mom answered the door and said that they just got home and another night would be better (we as missionaries know what this means). Luckily – I really had to use the bathroom – so I asked if I could at least use her restroom. While I was using the restroom, Sister Valdivia was able to talk a little with them. I had no idea what they were talking about when I came out so I just joined in and asked if we could stay and have a lesson. Andrea was all up for it so that was a miracle! We came to learn that Andrea's sister passed away about two years ago and so now she is having a really hard time believing that there is a God. We were able to share some scriptures with her to help her find peace and also help her build her relationship with God so that she could once again believe that he is there. When we came back to visit her later in the week, she told us that she felt something when she prayed. Whoo! We are continuing to visit with her and helping her build her faith.

We went over to have a lesson with Zuriko (investigator) and her electricity got shut off so we had a lesson in the dark. There’s a first time for everything, right!? We saved her food by putting it in our fridge so that it wouldn't go bad.

We had Zone Training this week. The Zone Leaders did the ice bucket challenge because we memorized all of the “Questions of the Soul” that are found in “Preach My Gospel.” It was hilarious! Poor Elders – it looked so cold! The ice bucket challenge is where they literally pour a bucket of ice and a little bit of water on your head.

Bobbie gave us a Christmas tree and it is adorable! So, we now have a medium sized one and two little fake ones. We are so ready for Christmas – ugly sweaters and all!

The Christmas Devotional was amazing! Also, check out the “He is the Gift” video on the website.

“Without the Savior’s birth and Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.” – Bishop Gary E. Stevenson

“Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior's Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace.” – Elder Quentin L. Cook

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 1, 2014

T-Bird Day!


So, we kept finding little droppings all over our countertops and we didn't know exactly what they were from. We were over at an investigator’s house and we were telling her about it and she told us that they were from mice. That night we went straight to the store to get some mouse traps. We set them up all over our kitchen and then we bleached everything and scrubbed it down. The next morning we didn't catch any mice but the day after that we caught one!

It was a cute little guy and it was so sad!

We used the sticky pads so the little thing was still alive and moving! We screamed and refused to go into the kitchen for a while. We felt so bad for it – and Sister Valdivia refused to look at it – so I had to be the one to kill it and put it out of its suffering. It was so sad! But at least the poor little guy is not suffering like he was on the sticky pad. Since then, we have not seen any more mouse droppings so that was a blessing.

Thanksgiving service…
We were doing our studies when we got a text from Zariciah (recent convert) that said she needed our help immediately! Her kid was up all night shoving toilet paper into the toilet and then flushing it. He managed to clog it so bad that it flooded part of their house. It was Thanksgiving morning and she had a lot of food to make and now she had a huge mess to clean up. So, the Elders and us went over and helped her clean up the water. She lives upstairs in an apartment complex and so the water leaked down into the apartment below hers and made that ceiling droop down. But luckily, we were able to clean it up before it did too much damage and she was still able to enjoy her Thanksgiving.

We had Thanksgiving with the Clarks (a younger couple who works at the Community College). It was us, the Elders, Sister Smith, and the Clarks. The food was so good! My favorite pie was a toss-up between pumpkin creme and sweet potato pie. After we ate and were waiting for our stomachs to settle down, we got to play some pool and ping pong. Man – I miss ping pong – I am super rusty!

We were up at the church with our investigator Zuriko so the Elders could give her a blessing. They went to their car to get the oil – and a girl was walking by – so they started talking to her. She was in a hurry but they were able to get her name and phone number. The next day, we tried to call the phone number and it didn't work. So, we went to a less-active’s house to visit with them and we met a couple named Jasmine and Tyson. Later on, we went by the library and saw Jasmine and Tyson sitting outside so we stopped and talked with them. It turns out that the girl the Elders stopped and talked to was Jasmine! Her phone wasn't working because she was out of minutes. 3rd time’s the charm! They are super interested in the gospel and they came to church yesterday and loved it! They are planning on getting married soon and they are trying to get their lives back in order. It was such a miracle – they are the cutest couple ever!

Fun facts this week…

  • I ate chocolate – so sorry grandpa! It was chocolate pudding (nasty)! Sister Smith – an older widow in our ward – gave it to us for dessert and she already dished it out for all of us so I had to eat it. I am not the biggest fan of pudding so I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have if it was like tin-roof pie or something like that.
  • Sister Valdivia got Ringworm – hilarious! When I got out of the shower on Friday she was like, "Sister Adams – take a look at this." She showed me her hip area and she had a circular rash. One of the less-actives had ringworm so we asked her what it looked like. A member who works at a medical clinic came over with her friend that is a PA and they diagnosed her with Ringworm! I laughed all morning long and wasn't a great support for her. She has medicine now to put on it and hopefully it goes away soon so I don't get it! Ha, ha, ha…
  • Hermana Shumway is serving in Garden City! We actually stayed the night with her last night and it was so good to see her again. I miss her so much! She is doing awesome and she is really enjoying her mission. She says “hello” and that she loves ya'll!

Christmas plans...
Sister Valdivia and I got Christmas sweaters at the Rummage Shop in Lamar. We are having a “White Elephant” gift exchange as a District. We are praying for 3 baptisms this month. Our mission is calling Christmas Eve “Noche Blanca” (White Night) and we are hoping to have many baptisms that night. Sister Valdivia's birthday is on Christmas Eve so we will definitely celebrate that!

"Have a good beginning and ending – and keep it good in between as well."

"If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself." – President Thomas S. Monson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 24, 2014

High on the Mountain Top


Miracle of the week! The Elders needed salt so they came over and picked some up from our house. We handed it to them at the door, talked for a little while, and then they left. Right after they left, another car pulled in front of our house. A cute girl (23 years old) got out of the car and came to our door. She told us that she was driving by and saw us missionaries so she kept driving back and forth past our house waiting for the Elders to leave so she could come talk to us. Anyhow, she just moved here to Lamar and she had been meeting with missionaries up in La Junta. We were seriously awe stricken! She saw us and knew that she had to stop. We went over to her house later that night with Abby (recent convert who is 21) and got to know her a little more. Her name is Zuriko (we call her “Z”) and she is awesome! She knows so much about the gospel and she is waiting for a friend to come home in January so he can baptize her. She loves the church and she is adorable! She has a super cute 3 year old son and she is in the military.

On Sunday, we had a guy in our ward (70-80 years old) come up to us and told us to go visit his fiance and talk to her about the gospel. We went over and saw her and she is absolutely adorable! Her name is Bobbie and she always looks so cute – she always has makeup on and everything perfect. Anyhow, they invited us to their wedding on Saturday. We went and helped them set up and we were their photographers! They gave both of us little disposable cameras and we walked around and took pictures of everybody. Bobbie's dog named Niko even carried the rings at the wedding and he had this cute little dog tuxedo on. It was so much fun!

Courtney came to church this week! We went over early Sunday morning and made her and her girls pancakes for breakfast. While we were cooking she was getting her girls ready and then Sister Clark came and took them to church. This was a HUGE step for Courtney. She was so nervous and she does not like change at all but she did it. She told us that she felt so much better afterwards and her girls had so much fun!

We went to Two Buttes Mountain. It is the closest thing you will get to a mountain here in Lamar, CO. We went this morning with Zuriko and it was so much fun! There is a little pond by it so we went and skipped rocks on it before we hiked to the top of the "mountain" – it literally took 10 minutes to get to the top. The sad thing is that we were all out of breath when we got to the top because it has been such a long time since we have been on any kind of mountain. We went back to Z's house and ate hamburgers. It was such a fun P-Day!

Transfers were this week but I am staying here in Lamar with Sister Valdivia – Whoo! Also, Hermana Shumway (my companion from the CCM) is now in our zone – Whoo! The current Elders are leaving Lamar and an Elder (the former AP) is coming to Lamar and training a newbie so we have to be on our "best behavior!"


"Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God's love." – President Thomas S. Monson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 17, 2014

Let It Snow!


Transfers are next week and I should know where I am going on Monday! I am pretty sure that I am leaving Lamar which is such a bitter-sweet feeling. I love it here and I love the people, but I am ready for some new adventures and more Spanish opportunities.

It was about 70 degrees last Monday and I was in a short sleeve shirt – and then that night – it dropped to 30 degrees and snowed! Ever since then it has been pretty cold. We only got about 2 inches – but since it is so cold – it all stayed on the ground. The people here think that this is a ton of snow and that it was a blizzard. I wish they could see Utah during a blizzard because they would all be amazed! The snow is so great! Sister Valdivia and I got our Christmas sweaters at the Rummage Shop on Main Street and we look pretty scary in them.

Elder Schwitzer of the Second Quorum of the Seventy came to Kansas and spoke at our Mission Conference. He talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and showed us some evidence of the history of it. Let's just say that my mind was blown and I don't know how to explain what he said. All I know is that the Book of Mormon is true and I know that it has truly blessed my life. At the end of the Mission Conference, they gave every missionary a copy of the Book of Mormon and a red and green marking pencil. They extended an invitation to us to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas and mark everything that talks about the Atonement and Jesus Christ in red and everything that talks about faith in green. I started this challenge on Saturday morning and it has been awesome! The Book of Mormon is the best!!

We had an appointment this week with a less-active who lives in an apartment complex. As we were walking to her door, we saw a teenage girl walking with no coat and it was freezing outside. So, we just said, "It is pretty cold isn't it?" She was really friendly and started talking to us inside the building. It turns out that she is the less-active’s niece who was visiting for the weekend and will move to Lamar in December. We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and how the gospel can bless her life. She loved it! She said that she was looking for a church and that she believes that everything – including the Book of Mormon – is true. She is on date for baptism on the 24th of December. That night she read the Book of Mormon to her little brother because he gets night terrors and she knew that the Book of Mormon would help him to not be afraid. We had an extra coat in the car that we had been given so we gave it to her so she wouldn't be as cold outside in the freezing cold.

We had the Primary program in church yesterday – those kids are adorable! We participated in the program and sang the 2nd verse of “I Stand All Amazed” in Spanish with three other men from our ward who went on Spanish speaking missions. This is in my top three favorite Hymns because it is a beautiful song with such a strong meaning behind it.

D&C 25:10 – “And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.”

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 10, 2014



This week Sister Valdivia and I went on a road trip to Wichita! She had a doctor's appointment there so we made the most of it. The first thing that we did when we got there was eat at Texas Roadhouse – so good! I love Lamar but they definitely do not have a Texas Roadhouse. Then, we had a little bit of time so we went and saw a couple of people that Sister Valdivia taught while she was there. It was so much fun to meet some of the families that she tells me about and they were all so sweet.

We spent the night at the Wichita West sister's house. It was so fun to see Sister Moser! Basically, we just companion swapped – Sister Moser went where Sister Valdivia served and Sister Valdivia came to Lamar. The Sister's apartment has cockroaches – no big deal. Sister Moser is doing so well and her Spanish has really improved a lot since she moved to the Spanish Branch.

The next morning we went to Sister Valdivia doctor’s appointment and then stopped at this sweet nut and candy shop to get “road trip” treats. There was every kind of nut imaginable at that store! We could sample whatever we wanted so we got to try a lot of them! There was this cute little lady who wanted us to try everything. I ended up getting this really good granola trail mix and Sister Valdivia got some chocolate-raspberry pecans.

I love Wichita because it is so beautiful!

This week we visited with our nine year old investigator named Adriana and her family. We gave Adriana a children's copy of the Book of Mormon and invited her to read the first chapter which talked about Joseph Smith. When we met with her – she read not only the first chapter – but the first three chapters. She explained to us and to her family the story about Joseph Smith. We asked her if she thought what she read was true and she said “Yes!” Her parents told us that she was showing her book to everyone and telling them about it. At the end of our visit, she asked if she could say the prayer. It was the sweetest, humblest prayer. At the end of her prayer she burst into tears. We asked her why she was crying and she told us that it is because now she knows that she can pray anytime and He will listen. Her faith is amazing and she is so strong! Her parents thank us every time we come over for making a change in their children's life. We tell them that the gospel is the difference.

I got sick for the first time on my mission this week. It was our last appointment on Saturday night and I felt so nauseous. Anyhow, when we went in for the night, I just laid on my bed and then went and puked a couple of times. I still felt sick on Sunday morning but I couldn't miss church because what if one of our investigators showed up and we weren't there!? So, we went and knocked on our investigator’s doors to invite them to church. At Linda's house – right after we knocked on the door – I went off in the bushes and threw up a couple of times so it probably was a good thing that she didn't answer the door. We went to church after that and now I feel so much better! Missionary work is pretty difficult when you are nauseous and feel like throwing up. Turns out that it was just a stomach bug going around and I was a lucky recipient!

Elder Liechty read my “Spirit Element” – I am a waterfall. I have no idea what that means but I don't mind being a waterfall. Sister Valdivia is an “Obsidian Rock.”

Kansas Sunsets Are Beautiful!

Bursts of Sunshine  By Louise Hurd
When you see a friend, be sure to smile;
The warmth will stay a long, long while.
And if you see a stranger, smile again.
He needs one as much as your best friend.
If he’s having a discouraging day,
Like wintertime when skies are gray,
Your little smile to him will be
Like bursts of sunshine, bright and free.
Then on a day when you feel blue,
Those bursts of sunshine will return to you,
As all the smiles you gave away
Come back to brighten up your day.

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween - Part 2!

Can't get enough of the " Missionary Duo"
Hermana Adams and Hermana Valdivia


Our investigators are doing awesome! One of the biggest miracle families that we have right now are Joseph, Tiletha, and their family. Also, Brenda is another one who is really interested. I don't really know how to explain everything over email but they are doing so good! Sister Hicks is in the hospital and we went over to see her this morning. Elder Leichty gave her the most beautiful blessing and said that she would be able to overcome this illness that she has. She was bawling at the end and said that he is the first one to tell her that she would be able to overcome it. So, of course, I cried like a baby. I love her so much!

After P-Day on Monday, we had a bunch of appointments set up and they all happened to fall through. So, Sister Valdivia and I decided to say a prayer to know who to go visit. As soon as the prayer was done, we both looked at each other and said "Brenda." We knew that it was right! Brenda is an investigator whose parents got baptized about five years ago. Brenda has 3 kids of her own and a husband. When we went over there she was so happy to see us. She gave us the biggest hugs and had a huge smile on her face. She went on to explain how she had one of the hardest days that day and our visit made her day. She just started a new job and it has been really stressful for her. After we left she sent us this text... "God is good ALL the time. I'm always amazed how he sends Angels my way just when I need them! Thank you for thinking of me tonight my Angels. I love you." We love her so much and we knew that the Spirit guided us over there that night!

We have a less-active member named Sister Zeaman. She has a hard time coming to church because of health issues and a phobia of lots of people and open spaces. We went over to her house this week and the lady that was helping to take care of her was there. While we were talking with Sister Zeaman, she invited her house lady named Linda over to talk with us. Then, Sister Zeaman bore her beautiful testimony about the Book of Mormon and how it has helped her in her life. The Spirit was so strong and we were able to help Linda better understand the gospel and how the Book of Mormon can help her in her life. She was very receptive and we can't wait to meet with her again.

Halloween!! We still wanted to have some Halloween spirit so we carved pumpkins during our lunch time. Sister Valdivia carved the Angel Moroni and I carved the temple. We attempted to bake the seeds later that night but it was a failed attempt. On Halloween morning, we made pancakes in the shape of Halloween things (e.g., pumpkin, witch hat, and so forth) but most of them just looked like blobs. Halloween day was a regular missionary day for us and that night we had a Halloween dinner over at the Loveless' house (members) and handed out candy to all the cute little kids that came around. Loved it!

"What matters most is what lasts longest!" – M. Russell Ballard

NEWS FLASH! A bomb threat at Walmart just after we left but it wasn't a big deal to us! Small town problems…

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Hermana Adams and Hermana Valdivia


This week has been so awesome! We broke Sister Valdivia's record for new investigators found – we found 14 new investigators! I feel like part of my personality is coming back with Sister Valdivia because she is so much fun. She reminds me a lot of Lysje – so you can only imagine! We have been a lot more dedicated and focused lately – it is so great! I don't want to leave Lamar or Sister Valdivia. Nothing new is happening with the Sarmientos. Our investigators right now that are really progressing are Angela, Courtney, and Linda.

A funny thing happened – a less-active in our ward sent us a text that said, "For some reason, I am worried about both of you! Be very careful today while you are out and about okay!?" That is always comforting to hear, right? I love Sister Zeaman! Sister Valdivia and I cracked up about this text and now we are being careful – so no worries!

I'm becoming a true cowgirl out here in Lamar! Megan and Shanae (investigator and less-active) are students at the College for Rodeo and they taught us how to rope a heffer. It is harder than it looks and I looked pretty ridiculous while trying to figure it out.

This week we taught Angela about the Word of Wisdom and it went very well! Her daughter was there with us when we were talking to her about her cigarettes. We promised that she would receive help and we knew that she could quit smoking. Her daughter turned to her and said, "Mom – I know that you can do it." Sister Valdivia and I melted when she said this because the Spirit was so strong! She is on the road to baptism – whoot, whoot! After our lesson, she taught us how to make homemade tortillas and they were so good – lard and all!

We had exchanges this week here in Lamar (both STL's came to Lamar because we are so far away). Sister Judy and I came home for dinner and realized that we didn't have a key to the house and the other Sisters were in one of the outer towns. So what did we do – we broke in! We took out the screen on our front window – and as we were trying to push the window up – it just fell off. We got in pretty fast but it is not too comforting knowing that our house is so easy to break into. Sister Judy and I were dying of laughter!

"All you need is a little faith and trust – and a little bit of Pixie Dust!"

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome to Lamar - Sister Valdivia!


The first week with Sister Valdivia was amazing and I know that this transfer is going to be awesome! Now I get to see how it really is to fully consecrate myself to the work. After exchanges this week – we were determined to still reach our standard goals – and so we worked hard and about doubled it in 4 days! We were able to get 4 new investigators in the first hour that we worked together. We didn't have any team-ups lined up yet we managed to get 7 member referrals. We had 2 of our investigators show up to church when we didn't know if anyone would show up. Angela actually showed up 40 minutes early! We taught 30 other lessons in 4 days – it was a miracle! We had so many miracles this week – it was such a faith builder. We just relied on the Lord and he provided the way. Lamar is growing in missionary work and I love it!

Sister Valdivia is seriously an awesome missionary and we have had so much fun this week! She was born in Mexico but moved to the U.S. when she was really little. She looks and talks just like Rachel Ray and she is gorgeous! I have used a whole lot more Spanish this week and I've learned a lot from her since she can correct me now.

Some fun things we did this week:

We gave Jake (dog) a bath this week because he smelled so bad! Sister Eirhart (a less-active) had knee surgery and hasn't been able to bathe him in a while. He reminded me so much of Bear except that Jake actually enjoyed the water and Bear hates it!

We got our palms read by some random guy that we talked to while visiting a less-active. It was pretty sweet and creepy at the same time. He told us that we were both good witches that had good powers. So, we told him that those powers were the Holy Ghost and that we received it when we were 8 years old. He said some other random stuff – but one thing that I remember is that he said that I am very close with my mom. I told him, "heck yeah – she's my best friend!"

Kassidy (a cute member girl that goes to LCC) got engaged this weekend! So, of course, Sister Valdivia and I went and stalked her getting engaged. We helped Abby and the fianc̩ set up lights at a gazebo in town so we knew when and where it was going to take place. Abby is their photographer so she took all of their professional pictures and we were her sidekicks. Anyways Рlater that night Рwe hid behind a tree and recorded the whole thing. It was so cute and they are the cutest couple ever! Then, her fianc̩ sang "I Stand All Amazed" in Spanish in Sacrament on Sunday and it was so awesome.

Scripture of the Week – Psalm 37:4
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 13, 2014

Training Has Come To An End!


Last Sunday our district made a song for the Kansas, Wichita Mission CD – boo yeah! I actually sang a song! Weird – but it was pretty sweet! Elder Liechty is really good at making music so he wrote the lyrics and Sister Moser wrote the chorus. When it comes out, I will send it home so ya'll can listen to it.

We went on exchanges this week with the STL's and loved it! I went with Sister Runia and she is one of the best missionaries that I have ever seen. She goes home this week so I was so glad to go out with her before she left. We saw so many miracles on exchanges – we were able to put Jesus on date and he has never accepted a date before with Sister Moser and me. Then, we went running in the morning and it felt so good to run!

Our miracle this week happened when we were at Linda’s (new investigator) house. This was our first real lesson with her and we were starting to teach her about the Restoration. Before we even talked about Joseph Smith, she stopped us and asked us one question, "my mother died – can you tell me where she is?" We loved the question! We switched right over to the Plan of Salvation and told her where her mom was and that she will be able to see her again someday. She began to tear up and said that she knew what we said was true. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted! She is on date for November 1st. Love her! Milagros!

I had my first quarterly interview with the President. It lasted about 3 minutes because there were a lot of missionaries waiting to talk to him. He is an awesome guy and he is so great! His wife is amazing, too! She is the cutest little thing you'll ever meet.

Lamar Garbage Day
Sniff hard and you can probably smell us!

We did service for Lamar Garbage Day. It happens twice a year – people put garbage that they don't want on the curb and volunteers go around and put it in a truck. This is the first time I have worn jeans on my mission! We had these pretty sweet bright orange vests as well so we looked pretty legit. We had two softball girls from the college with us in the truck and we all stunk! I swear one of the bags that we picked up had a dead skunk in it because it smelled terrible. Sister Moser had to wash off with ketchup because you could still smell it on her!

Transfers! I am staying in Lamar – boo yeah! My new companion is Sister Valdevia! I have not met her but I heard that she is super amazing and nice. She is a Spanish native so she will be able to help me with my Spanish! 

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 6, 2014

Conference! Woot, Woot!!


We were at Sister Eirhart's house (less-active) and she was in a lot of pain because she had fallen the day before when she was taking her dog out to the bathroom. She also had a knee replacement a couple weeks prior which added to the pain. Her fall caused her to pull a lot of things in her knee (i.e., LCL, MCL, and ACL). Ouch! She is basically stuck on the couch because she can't do much walking with her knees like that. We asked her if she would like a blessing from the Elders – and she agreed – so we asked the Elders to come over. The Elders came promptly and Elder Liechty gave her a beautiful blessing. After the blessing, she stood up with ease and had a huge smile on her face. She said that most of the pain had gone away and that she has not been able to stand up that swiftly since before her surgery. What a blessing! The priesthood is real and it does perform miracles.

Sister Simons – another less-active in our ward – gave this hilarious prayer...

Bless this food, and bless this meat.
Thank you Lord, now can we eat?

She has quite the sense of humor and we all couldn't help but laugh. She has a strong testimony  but being seriously ill  has kept her from attending Sacrament meeting. We were able to go over to her house and watch General Conference with her husband and the Elders. Brother Simons is so sweet – he had snacks for us and made us lunch after both of the morning sessions. I love that family! They were both baptized about 5 years ago and have been sealed in the temple for time and eternity.

Some favorite quotes from Conference:

  • "The guilty take the truth to be hard." – Lynn G. Robbins
  • "The Gospel of Jesus Christ opens the path to who we can become." – D. Todd Christofferson

Conference was amazing! There were so many amazing talks and the Spirit was so strong. Love it!

We had Zone training this week and were able to watch the new film "Meet the Mormons." Love it! It was so good and it is coming to theaters pretty soon. I am pretty sure that all of the missionaries cried during the last part of the movie because it was so good.

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pick of the Harvest


We received a referral from the Elders for a gal named Courtney. She is a single mother with 2 beautiful daughters (ages 7 and 2). She used to be an alcoholic but quit because she wanted to be a better mother for her kids. We have been over there a couple times and every time the Spirit has been so strong. We had a lesson where we explained the Plan of Salvation and she was in awe because she had never thought of life in that way. Then, we got the prompting to share Alma 32 – talking about faith. We explained how faith compares to a seed. She didn't have any questions for us then – but the next time we came over to see her – she commented how hearing that scripture is exactly what she needed to hear. That scripture helped her to realize what faith is and how she can help her faith grow. At the end of the lesson she said the most beautiful prayer – asking directly if this gospel is something that she should pursue and thanking Him for leading us as missionaries to visit her. She has not committed to a baptismal date yet so we will keep praying and working with her.

We went to another referral from the Elders for a gal named Hope. She wasn't home so we talked with her husband Durk on the front porch for a bit. Now Durk is an Antagonist! I had no idea what that was but he explained his thoughts and beliefs to us. So basically, he does not believe in God; he believes in some other power but doesn't know quite what the power is. Anyhow, we were a little hesitant to continue talking with him because he didn't give off the vibe that he had any interest. We continued to share the message of the Restoration. By the end of our visit he had lit up so much! We gave him a Book of Mormon and he has been reading it! He was out fishing on our last appointment with them and his wife said that he was so sad because he really wanted to meet with us and he has a lot of questions. So, we just talked with his wife, and we will meet with both of them tomorrow. So I will keep ya'll updated!

I ate a Tabasco was so hot! We went over to a member's house for dinner and they handed them to us as soon as we walked in the door so I plopped it in my mouth. So hot! Luckily, it only numbed the left side of my mouth (because I was not smart and chewed it), so I could eat and enjoy the meal on the other side of my mouth.

I heard a really funny joke from a member this week (I thought it was funny)...
A guy was out on the town walking his Chihuahua, when he decided that he wanted to go in the store. On the outside of the store was a sign that said "No Dogs Allowed." He didn't know what to do with his dog, so he decided to just put on his sunglasses and pretend that he was blind so that his dog would be considered a service dog. He walked into the store and the worker came up to him...

  • Worker: "Sorry sir, dogs are not allowed."
  • Guy: "I am blind and this is my service dog."
  • Worker: "Chihuahuas are not service dogs."
  • Guy: "They gave me a Chihuahua!?"

"The Choice is Yours!" – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

We never know who we are going to be an example to…
"Whoever you are and wherever you may be, you hold in your hands the happiness of more people than you can now imagine." – Henry B. Eyring

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 22, 2014



This week we had Sister's Conference! It was awesome! We drove over to Dodge, KS (about 3 hours away) and had the conference with the Sister Missionaries out here in the West part of the mission. It was so fun to meet other missionaries that I have not seen before and to see other missionaries that I have not seen in a while. Sister Bell (President's wife) was there and she is just the cutest thing ever. She is so full of energy and always has a smile on. We had three main speakers at this conference – one of the mission presidencies wives, a recent convert, and a return missionary. It was so sweet to hear all of their different views on the church and how the gospel has affected their lives. Missions change more lives than just the missionaries. I have loved the way that my mission has changed me so far.

There are so many spiders here! We came home one night and there was one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen crawling up the side of our house. So, what do we do? We caught it! It was literally the size of my palm. We put it in a little container and poked holes in the top so Mike (spider) could breath. Then, the next day at District Meeting, we took him with us and gave him to the Elders. The Elders are nicer than us and let him go in a field somewhere. Since that day – we have been haunted by spiders and we keep finding them in our house (but luckily they are not the size of Mike). One spider landed on my head while I was eating lunch! Disgusting... I think that Mike's little babies are just getting revenge on us.

This week showed me how truly important it is to have Institute. Sundays are not enough to fill our spiritual buckets. We have not been able to get in contact with Christina (our investigator) in a while, so we went over to her house right before Institute to try and get her to come with us. When we went over there, she was outside so we were able to talk to her. We convinced her to come although she really was not in the mood at all. She had a really hard week with a lot of family issues. We walked with her up to the church and then came after Institute to see how it went. She was beaming! She was so much happier and she was able to make friends with Johnathon (the Elder's investigator). She needed to fill the Spirit and it helped remind her that there is good here on Earth. She thanked us for making her go. Institute is so important and it really had an impact on the rest of our week. The bad news is – is that we have not been able to meet with Christina since so we had to drop her because there are other people for us to visit. So – hopefully she calls us – because we really do truly love her and want her to be baptized.

Yesterday – Sister Moser and I gave a talk in church on Honesty. I tried to quote the 13th Article of Faith for the first part of my talk. I thought that I could do it from memory but I forgot the ending. It was so embarrassing! So, I paused for a second at the pulpit, and then all of the cute little Primary kids from the congregation starting saying it. It was adorable! It made it less embarrassing because it was so cute that they were all actually listening and helped me out. It made it all worth making a fool of myself!

Scripture of the Week – Mosiah 23:10-11
10 Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.
11 Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself.

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fall Is Here!


This week was good but we really didn't have any exciting adventures...but we did have to use heat in our house because it is starting to get chilly! I am loving the weather right now because it is not too hot and not too cold. I love the Fall weather and it will be exciting to have ice storms during the Winter. The weather out here is undecided – one day it is 95 degrees and the next day it is 50 degrees; therefore, we never know what to wear. We have been wearing cardigans so we can take them off when it gets too hot. It is just like Utah!

Our miracle this week happened when we were with Christina (investigator on date for the 27th). We were at her house teaching her about media and the influences that the media has on us. We read with her from “For the Strength of Youth.” In the middle of our lesson, her daughter named Aunteria came in really stressed out. The money from her pie fundraiser at school had been stolen. Christina told her to go to all the places that she had been and try to find it. As soon as she left, we prayed with Christina that Aunteria would be able to find the money. The next time Aunteria came back, she had all the money except for $20. Later that night, they found the other $20. We helped explain to Christina that our prayer was answered and the power that prayer has in our lives. Prayer really works!

Since then – Christina dropped us off the face of the planet. She won't answer her door, return texts, phone calls, or anything. So, we'll keep trying! Hopefully, I will have better news next week for y’all!

We had our first Institute class this week and it was awesome! The new senior couple from Garden City, KS came out here to Lamar. We had quite a few people show up so it was awesome.

My theme for this week was “Desire”  Elder Neal A. Maxwell said:
“When people are described as ‘having lost their desire for sin,’ it is they, and they only, who deliberately decided to lose those wrong desires by being willing to ‘give away all their sins’ in order to know God. Therefore, what we insistently desire, over time, is what we will eventually become and what we will receive in eternity.”

Love y'all!
Misionera Amor!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Hope of God’s Light


We have about 11 investigators right now and they are all awesome! Two of them are Spanish speaking only and the majority of them are Mexican – how ironic!

So, last week when we were getting ready for bed, Sister Moser yelled, "Sister Adams – I need your help!" I went into our room and she had one of those floss things stuck behind her retainer and it was bleeding all over. I could not stop laughing  but I finally controlled myself – and had to cut off the floss thing for her. Somehow the floss thing broke her retainer. What was lucky is that the next day we had dinner with a family in our ward whose dad is a dentist here in Lamar. So, after dinner he took us to his office and fixed her retainer. We as missionaries are truly blessed!

Bad news... I ate chocolate! We were eating lunch at the Bishop’s house and his wife had got the dessert all ready for us and it had chocolate in it. I didn't know what to do because she had already made it for me and I didn't want to waste it. So, I told myself that I would just eat it – and might as well enjoy it while I eat it – so that is just what I did! It was cookies and cream pudding and it was actually really good. So sorry grandpa! Don't worry, I will be more careful in the future.

I FINALLY had some real Mexican food! Christina (investigator) showed us how to make some really good bean burritos – lard and all! Then, the next day she made us some super good Mexican rice with Menudo. The Menudo was pretty good – but she waited until after we finished eating it – to tell us that the meat was cow stomach lining. I love Christina! She is an awesome cook and she teaches us how to make it the real Mexican way. While we were eating, we were talking about how she felt at church. She said that it was really good and that all her kids really liked it. But, the first thing she told us was, "Girls – I have never seen so many cute white boys in my life!" Ha, ha, ha, ha – I am pretty sure we laughed for 5 minutes straight after that!

This Sunday we were waiting for Christina to come to church and we never saw her and the services were about to start. So, we went outside and before we knew it, we were RUNNING to her apartment which is a couple of blocks down the street. While we were running, we kept thinking to ourselves, "What are we doing?" but we kept running! Once we got to her apartment, we kept knocking until she opened the door. She immediately apologized for waking up late. We didn't take any excuses and we immediately helped her and her kids get ready for church as fast as we could. We made it back to the church just as testimony meeting was beginning. You could tell that Christina was feeling the Spirit because she was crying the whole time. It was an amazing testimony meeting and probably one of the most spiritual ones that I have ever been to. After church, Christina told us, "You guys are like my mom and I am so glad that you made us come to church today because it made me feel so much better." Man, I love Christina! We were talking to her later that day and she said that we are the best influences that she has ever had in her house. Since we have been visiting with her (about a week and a half), she has not done any drugs, smoked, and has only had coffee one time. The coffee was a complete accident, so yesterday we brought her over some hot chocolate that we had in our apartment.

We were driving through Holly and there was a random church that had these words on their sign: "Heaven, don't miss it for the world!" It is so true and I love that quote!

Scripture of the Week – D&C 88:11-13
11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space –
13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.

Quote of the Week – by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear, or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God's light is real. It is available to all! It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn."

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 1, 2014

First Transfer in the Mish!


First transfer – what!? I am still here in Lamar with Sister Moser  thank goodness! I am so glad that I get to stay here with these people longer because they mean so much to me. Our district leader (Elder Godfrey) is leaving and it is so sad! He is my "papa" in the mission. But he is on to another adventure as a zone leader! Transfers are really sad because a lot of missionaries leave your zone, but new missionaries come in and you are able to meet new people so I am really excited for that.

My Zone P-Day

We had a HUGE rainstorm last week. It was dumping buckets of water! We had to run to the store to grab something and we got soaked from just the car to the store. The streets were filled with water and we hydroplaned a couple of times – it was awesome! A lot of houses flooded. We were at the Ortiz's house for dinner and Kevin (dad) decided that he should check their basement during dinner because a lot of other homes were being flooded. Well, their basement was definitely flooded. So, right after dinner we went to work on the flooding, dresses and all! Their son’s room was down there and it was like a teenager’s room – lots of garbage and clothes on the floor. Everything was wet. We used a little vacuum thing to vacuum up the water and we put all the garbage in the trash and the wet clothes in the laundry. The carpet was ruined so we ripped it up. It was actually really fun but it was really disgusting! We were able to clean everything up as best as we could. After that, we went straight home (it was 9:00 pm already) and washed everything that we had on and took a shower because we were disgusting!

I had my 6 week conference call this week! Well, they told us the call was at 1:00 pm so we were ready at 1:00 pm. But…we are on a different time zone so we missed it! Oh well, they understood. Now we know so next time we can be ready.

We rode bikes for the first time this week! I didn't have a bike and Sister Moser's bike is broken, so we borrowed the Elder’s bikes for the day. We actually only rode them for like a half of a mile so that wasn't bad at all. The only downside is the whole hair situation – thank goodness for ponytails. On Zone P-Day, I bought a sister’s bike that was going home so now I have my own bike! I am excited because I miss riding my bike. But, I don't think Sister Moser is too excited about riding bikes.

One of the miracles this week was that we were over at a less active’s home (Zariciah) teaching her about service. Her neighbor came over to bring her kids over to play – and when she walked in – she looked really uncomfortable. She asked us if she could sit in on the lesson and of course we said yes! She listened to the lesson and started to be a little more comfortable. When we finished talking to Zariciah – Christina (the girl that walked in) – said that she could tell something was different as soon as she walked in. She said that she had never felt that way before and that it was such a happy feeling. We explained to her that it was the Holy Ghost and that she could have the Holy Ghost with her always if she did the things that the Lord commanded. Christina has been really having a hard time, especially with drugs, and she now has a desire to change. We invited her to church the next day and she came! She brought all of her kids and she stayed the whole time. It was a miracle! The Spirit truly does testify to others that this is the restored gospel and that Christ lives. Christina didn't even know what we were talking about when she walked in but she could feel it. What an amazing experience!

This is our experience from last night (Sister Moser wrote it)…
Now this experience is not supposed to scare anyone...but we were driving home to Lamar and we had just gotten out of Holly which is about 30 minutes away and all the roads are two way roads and the speed limit is 70 mph. Sister Adams and I were having a good talk and listening to music when this car started coming straight at us in our lane – head first! Well, we both sat there kind of nervous about what to do but luckily this car barely missed us. I had to swerve out of the way but there was this barrier on the other side and I didn’t want to hit it and I remember saying in my head, "Lord, I don’t know what I am supposed to do." Instantly, I felt as though the car was driving itself. I watched this car barely hit the side of our car and we drove away without any damage. I then realized that if that car hit us it would have taken our lives due to our speed. Now I have never been faced with a car coming at me head on and there were several things that went through my head. It confirmed to me of my testimony of the Plan of Salvation. All will be well when we put our trust in the Lord. Even if it was my time to go, I know that everything would be as it was supposed to be. I am grateful for the Spirit and its comfort. I know that TJ was there to help us because there is no way that we should have not been hit!

Jacob 6:12 (Our Mission President’s Favorite Scripture)
"O be wise; what can I say more?"

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams