Monday, December 29, 2014

Noche Blanca


Surprise! The Elders got transferred out 2 days before Christmas – crazy! They found out Monday night and had to leave Tuesday morning at 6:00 am. We had planned to have our District Christmas Party on Tuesday so we went to the church at 4:00 am and we still had it before the Elders left our area. We were pretty tired but it was worth it! The new Elders came and they are both really sweet.

On Christmas Eve, we got to deliver the gifts for “Toys for Tots” and it was so much fun! The families were all really excited and they were so grateful to have food and toys for Christmas. We were so grateful to be a part of it!

Sister Valdivia's birthday was on Christmas Eve so we celebrated with cupcakes and all that jazz! For her birthday – she really wanted it to snow and there was no snow anywhere. But, when we were driving back to our apartment, we saw some snow that people had thrown into the street. We had no idea where it came from but we took it! We put it on the windshield of our car and took it back to our house and built a snowman on our front porch. Prayer works – she got snow on her birthday!

Merry Christmas! We set an alarm for midnight and opened all of our presents then. It is a tradition for Sister Valdivia so we had to do it. It was so much fun! Thanks everyone for everything – it was such a great Christmas! We got to go over to the White's house and spent some time with them and play games while everyone was Skyping. Skyping my family was the best! It was so good to see everyone and I miss them so much! Everyone looks so good and so happy! I seriously have the best family in the world and I am so grateful for all that they do for me. I love them!

I found out this week that my Zodiak Sign is “Aries” and that I am a “Mountain Ash” tree. It was funny to see how much it actually really describes me. We got a big hoot out of it – thanks Abby!

It snowed the day after Christmas! We didn't have a white Christmas but we now have snow. Yeah! In fact – it is snowing right now and we love it! Now it feels a lot more like winter – the temperature is down to 20+ degrees.

“What we are is more important than what we have been. And what we become is more important than what we are.”

“Don't ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet.” – Sister Pat Barton

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 22, 2014

Feliz Navidad!

Sisters In Our Zone



We had a redneck moment this week! The Millers’ daughter (Opal) got married last Saturday so they invited us over earlier in the week to help with a hog that they were going to kill and prepare for the wedding dinner. Did I mention that it was alive when they got it!? By the time we got there, they had already killed the poor guy and were shaving all the hair off. So – I got to participate with shaving a hog – and there was a lot of blood and all that other jazz. Of course – I wore my cowboy boots – so they got all nice and bloody but I loved it! It was so much fun – there was a fire going and we were having a great redneck’n time. That Saturday, we got to eat him at the wedding. Sad to say that I saw him before he was put in the oven ... but he tasted so good!

I got to try “Chicken and Waffles” for the first time this week and it was actually pretty good! Not as redneck as killing a hog but it was still really good.

We got to help with “Toys for Tots” this week. They find families who can't afford Christmas and they put together Christmas presents for the kids and food for the families. We helped organize all the toys and put them in the correct bags – it was so much fun! On Christmas Eve – we get to deliver the gifts to a couple of the families. We actually recognized some of the families that the gifts are being delivered to so we are really excited. Also, we got some pretty sweet shirts so that is a bonus!

Uyen (pronounced “When”) is a less-active’s friend – who was not really interested in the gospel previously – but this week she came out and listened in on a lesson. She loved it! She told us how she had felt the Spirit and that she really wanted to learn more. She has kept all of her commitments and she even reads more than we invite her to.

This Sunday – Melanie was sick – so she called us early in the morning and asked if she could get a ride from somebody because she really wanted to go to church. We were shocked that she took the initiative to go to church – so we found her a ride – and she loved church so much! She wants to be baptized so she is working on some old habits so that she can be ready. She is a miracle!

We sang in the Christmas Choir on Sunday! I still cannot sing but it was so much fun. A lot of people came to church on Sunday – it was awesome!

“Depend on the Lord, enjoy every opportunity, and delight in the life you have.” – Sister Kristen M. Oaks

Annette Erickson inspired quotes:

  • “I have come to know that inspiration comes more as a feeling than as a sound. It is a voice that one feels more than one hears.” – President Boyd K. Packer
  • “A thousand years of experience through sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and all powers of the universe combined cannot approach the sublime and complete experience of one brief moment under the influence of the Holy Ghost.” – Bishop Keith B. McMullin

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 15, 2014

He is the Reason for the Season


This week has been one of the best weeks of my mission. Not because I did a lot of teaching or anything but I am starting to feel like the Lord is trusting me more and the Spirit is working stronger in me than it ever has before. I am learning so much and I love it!

The Elders surprised us with a real Christmas tree last Monday! It is pretty tall (5 feet or so) and it is so cute! We had fun putting lights on it and making cheesy ornaments with pass-along cards. It is so fun and it smells so good! We have it in our study room by the window so everyone can see it and we can always smell it.

We are the best stalkers! Jasmine and Tyson (investigators) moved last week – and they didn't know the exact address where they were moving to – so they just told us the general area. They don’t have a phone so we don’t have any way of contacting them but we knew that we had to find them. We went over one night to the general area where they told us, said a prayer, and then followed the Spirit. The second door that we knocked on was their house! They were so surprised to see us! It was a good surprise – not a creepy "stalkerish" surprise. We were able to talk to them about the Word of Wisdom this week and they are both super committed to quit smoking! We made them a little care package of how to quit and they are doing so well. On Sunday, Tyson had to work but Jasmine and her 3 little sisters all came to church and they absolutely loved it! They told us that this is where they are supposed to be and that they have never felt so much joy in their lives. Also, they love being surrounded by so many good influences at church and they know that people are happy because of the Spirit!

Mission Christmas Party

We had our Mission Christmas Party this weekend and it was so much fun! We had an ugly sweater contest so we made the Elders their ugly sweaters because they gave us a tree. Their sweaters were the best ones at the party – if you ask us – but somehow they didn't win the ugly sweater contest. Oh well, it was fun anyway!

The Maestas got baptized this weekend! Whoo! The dad is a less-active who is coming back to church and his wife (Jessica) and their son (Kristopher) got baptized. They were so happy – I absolutely love this family! Marla Hicks actually spoke at the baptism and she did a fabulous job. I love how much Marla has changed since her baptism and she is growing in leaps and bounds. I have never seen anyone with so much faith and I love her so much.

Funny moment…
Sister Valdivia got pulled over – hilarious! The Elders were following us and the cop tried to pull us both over but he only got us. Thankfully, he let us off with a warning. We were going 38 in a 25 – so funny!

Cool thing this week…
I started a prayer journal about a week ago and I got a prompting that we should go see a less-active named Sister Schwab because she needed a blessing. A couple days later our plans fell through – so we prayed – and I got another prompting that we should go over there right then. When we went over to her house, it was perfect timing! She had just returned home and she was super sick. Also, she was going through a really hard time with her family. We asked if she would like a blessing and she replied, “Yes, I would love one.” The Elders came over later that night and gave her a beautiful blessing. The next day she felt good enough to go to the Ward Christmas Party. This was such a testimony builder! It was one of the first times that the Spirit was able to testify to me in advance what others needed and I know that it was the Spirit that guided us in that situation. I love this gospel!

"The actions whereby we demonstrate that we truly do love God and our neighbor as ourselves will rarely be such as to attract the gaze of admiration of the world. Usually our love will be shown in our day-to-day associations with one another." – President Thomas S. Monson

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."

Chili and Cinnamon Rolls – must be a flatland thing but they taste really good together!

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's the Holiday Season!


Dios utiliza tu fe para moldear tu carácter.
Translation: God uses your faith to mold your character.

We are so excited for December! We have seen so many miracles and there is nothing better than a whole community centered on Christ for the holidays. Zuriko Llaca's baptism is on January 3rd and we are hoping to have Jasmine and Tyson baptized on the 27th of December.

The Hicks bore their testimonies in Sacrament yesterday for the first time. It was the sweetest thing in the world! The Spirit was so strong and you can truly see how much the gospel has truly blessed their family and how much they love learning more and more every day. Nathan passes the Sacrament every week – and in his testimony  he said that he “really likes all the Priesthood stuff.” That was the joke the rest of the meeting – that Priesthood stuff is really cool. Love them!

This week we went over to see an investigator named Andrea. She was a referral from the Elders so we didn't know much about her. When we went over there, her mom answered the door and said that they just got home and another night would be better (we as missionaries know what this means). Luckily – I really had to use the bathroom – so I asked if I could at least use her restroom. While I was using the restroom, Sister Valdivia was able to talk a little with them. I had no idea what they were talking about when I came out so I just joined in and asked if we could stay and have a lesson. Andrea was all up for it so that was a miracle! We came to learn that Andrea's sister passed away about two years ago and so now she is having a really hard time believing that there is a God. We were able to share some scriptures with her to help her find peace and also help her build her relationship with God so that she could once again believe that he is there. When we came back to visit her later in the week, she told us that she felt something when she prayed. Whoo! We are continuing to visit with her and helping her build her faith.

We went over to have a lesson with Zuriko (investigator) and her electricity got shut off so we had a lesson in the dark. There’s a first time for everything, right!? We saved her food by putting it in our fridge so that it wouldn't go bad.

We had Zone Training this week. The Zone Leaders did the ice bucket challenge because we memorized all of the “Questions of the Soul” that are found in “Preach My Gospel.” It was hilarious! Poor Elders – it looked so cold! The ice bucket challenge is where they literally pour a bucket of ice and a little bit of water on your head.

Bobbie gave us a Christmas tree and it is adorable! So, we now have a medium sized one and two little fake ones. We are so ready for Christmas – ugly sweaters and all!

The Christmas Devotional was amazing! Also, check out the “He is the Gift” video on the website.

“Without the Savior’s birth and Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.” – Bishop Gary E. Stevenson

“Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior's Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace.” – Elder Quentin L. Cook

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, December 1, 2014

T-Bird Day!


So, we kept finding little droppings all over our countertops and we didn't know exactly what they were from. We were over at an investigator’s house and we were telling her about it and she told us that they were from mice. That night we went straight to the store to get some mouse traps. We set them up all over our kitchen and then we bleached everything and scrubbed it down. The next morning we didn't catch any mice but the day after that we caught one!

It was a cute little guy and it was so sad!

We used the sticky pads so the little thing was still alive and moving! We screamed and refused to go into the kitchen for a while. We felt so bad for it – and Sister Valdivia refused to look at it – so I had to be the one to kill it and put it out of its suffering. It was so sad! But at least the poor little guy is not suffering like he was on the sticky pad. Since then, we have not seen any more mouse droppings so that was a blessing.

Thanksgiving service…
We were doing our studies when we got a text from Zariciah (recent convert) that said she needed our help immediately! Her kid was up all night shoving toilet paper into the toilet and then flushing it. He managed to clog it so bad that it flooded part of their house. It was Thanksgiving morning and she had a lot of food to make and now she had a huge mess to clean up. So, the Elders and us went over and helped her clean up the water. She lives upstairs in an apartment complex and so the water leaked down into the apartment below hers and made that ceiling droop down. But luckily, we were able to clean it up before it did too much damage and she was still able to enjoy her Thanksgiving.

We had Thanksgiving with the Clarks (a younger couple who works at the Community College). It was us, the Elders, Sister Smith, and the Clarks. The food was so good! My favorite pie was a toss-up between pumpkin creme and sweet potato pie. After we ate and were waiting for our stomachs to settle down, we got to play some pool and ping pong. Man – I miss ping pong – I am super rusty!

We were up at the church with our investigator Zuriko so the Elders could give her a blessing. They went to their car to get the oil – and a girl was walking by – so they started talking to her. She was in a hurry but they were able to get her name and phone number. The next day, we tried to call the phone number and it didn't work. So, we went to a less-active’s house to visit with them and we met a couple named Jasmine and Tyson. Later on, we went by the library and saw Jasmine and Tyson sitting outside so we stopped and talked with them. It turns out that the girl the Elders stopped and talked to was Jasmine! Her phone wasn't working because she was out of minutes. 3rd time’s the charm! They are super interested in the gospel and they came to church yesterday and loved it! They are planning on getting married soon and they are trying to get their lives back in order. It was such a miracle – they are the cutest couple ever!

Fun facts this week…

  • I ate chocolate – so sorry grandpa! It was chocolate pudding (nasty)! Sister Smith – an older widow in our ward – gave it to us for dessert and she already dished it out for all of us so I had to eat it. I am not the biggest fan of pudding so I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have if it was like tin-roof pie or something like that.
  • Sister Valdivia got Ringworm – hilarious! When I got out of the shower on Friday she was like, "Sister Adams – take a look at this." She showed me her hip area and she had a circular rash. One of the less-actives had ringworm so we asked her what it looked like. A member who works at a medical clinic came over with her friend that is a PA and they diagnosed her with Ringworm! I laughed all morning long and wasn't a great support for her. She has medicine now to put on it and hopefully it goes away soon so I don't get it! Ha, ha, ha…
  • Hermana Shumway is serving in Garden City! We actually stayed the night with her last night and it was so good to see her again. I miss her so much! She is doing awesome and she is really enjoying her mission. She says “hello” and that she loves ya'll!

Christmas plans...
Sister Valdivia and I got Christmas sweaters at the Rummage Shop in Lamar. We are having a “White Elephant” gift exchange as a District. We are praying for 3 baptisms this month. Our mission is calling Christmas Eve “Noche Blanca” (White Night) and we are hoping to have many baptisms that night. Sister Valdivia's birthday is on Christmas Eve so we will definitely celebrate that!

"Have a good beginning and ending – and keep it good in between as well."

"If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself." – President Thomas S. Monson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams