Monday, December 7, 2015

Just Like Dorothy – Kansas Is My Home

Click... Click... Click... I'm Coming Home!


This week we had MLC's – and on the 3-hour car ride – we decided to call some former investigators and less-actives and invite them to watch the new Christmas Initiative, “A Savior is Born.” One of the gals that we talked with was Araceli and she wanted to meet with us again. We scheduled an appointment with her and when we went over she called her whole family into the room for the discussion. It was one of the most powerful lessons that I have had on my mission and the Spirit was so strong. It is amazing to witness the Spirit that the Christmas video brings and the eternal conversations that take place afterwards. Her 15-year-old son said the prayer at the very end and that topped everything off. Araceli was in tears and there was no way that anyone could deny the special Spirit that was there.

We received a random text from Lise (gal from England) this week. She told us that she has had some experiences and tender mercies that have happened in her life and that she is ready to draw closer to God. It was such a miracle! We went over to see her and one of the first things we found out was that she had not had a cigarette in the two months that we stopped visiting her. There was one instance where she almost gave in – she went to the store and as she was walking up to the counter she saw the Elders and she knew that it was a sign from God that she shouldn’t buy the cigarettes. Even her countenance was completely changed and there was a totally different light in her eyes. But the coolest part was...SHE CAME TO CHURCH! This was her first actual Sacrament meeting and she absolutely loved it. Later that night we were able to watch the Christmas Devotional with her at her house – she loved President Uchtdorf! Such an amazing miracle and a reminder that everyone has their time and the gospel can change anyone.

Alma 12:9-10...
9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.
10 And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full.

One of the greatest things that I have learned as a missionary is the importance of covenants and promises with God. We can apply the Atonement and receive the enabling power as we make promises with Him. We receive guidance and added strength as we fulfill the promises and use the redemptive side when we don’t fulfill our part and need to repent. This gospel incorporates everything we do and who we are – and unless we submit our will – we can’t become something greater than our own. We have all of the tools necessary – and it is our responsibility to use them – and use them correctly. The Book of Mormon is the word of God – there is no other book that will bring greater peace, light, and direction. Reading and praying with a sincere heart will bring about personal revelation. Which revelation reveals the mysteries of God and His plan – the plan of which allows us to return to live with Him and be as one. Our understanding and perspective is illuminated as we keep all of the commandments, both as a collective group as Saints and also personal commandments. President Thomas S. Monson holds all of the Keys of the Priesthood and stands as a special witness that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus Christ is our Savior, he is our advocate with the Father, he is also our friend and brother. He will lift us, walk with us, and help us see our divinity within. I love my Savior – I know that he is the Christ. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only church here on the Earth that contains the fullness of His gospel. We are God’s children and He loves each and every one of us and He wants us to return to live with Him comfortably in the highest glory. I love Kansas (and Lamar) – this is where “I grew up” and I will forever be grateful for all of these people, experiences, and adventures that I have had!

Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador, y sufrió por cada uno de nosotros individualmente. Él sabe exactamente cómo nos sentimos, y sabe exactamente cómo consolador, ascensor, y donde para guiarnos. Sé que al aplicar continuamente la Expiación cada uno y todos los días, vamos a volver a vivir con nuestro Padre Celestial, y estar cómodo en su presencia. El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios, así como todas las otras Escrituras, tanto antiguas como modernas. Las familias pueden ser eternas, y vamos a ver a nuestros seres queridos de nuevo. Hay trabajo eterna para hacer aquí en la Tierra, así como en el mundo espiritual. Me encanta este evangelio, y sé que podemos tener un conocimiento perfecto de todas las cosas. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amén.

Hebrews 12:1...
1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

Hermana Adams
Practicing Homecoming Talk

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 30, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Christmas Tree - Kansas Style


This last week I had the opportunity to go back to Lamar for the last time. It was such a wonderful experience because I was able to see the same people from last year but I got to see the progression that they have made. The greatest progression was in the Lingle family. Last year they would not consider baptism but in the last month all of them have been baptized. They had us over for dinner and it was amazing to see the light in Mary Anne’s eyes and the change in her countenance. Baptism changes us not only spiritually but physically as well.

Thanksgiving  we had two Thanksgiving dinners – both amazing! The first was with a couple of families in the ward who all got together. Sister Dameron made the best turkey I have ever had! She said her trick is cooking it in the oven bags (I’ve got to try that). They had each of us missionaries share a non-common scripture about having gratitude and giving thanks. Then, a couple hours later we had dinner with Alejandro and his family. They are Hispanic and so they make such good food! His wife made some of the best carrot cake that I have ever had. We were all rolling out of their house because of all of the food that we ate. Small town problems: Black Friday shopping consists of Walmart – everyone and their dawg was there Thursday night through Friday afternoon – we should have just gone proselyting there!

We met the only Brazilian here in Kansas! Her name is Susanne and she is the sweetest gal. We were talking to her about fasting and the importance of it. Then, it turned into the Word of Wisdom and she loved the idea! Well, of course it is a good idea, that is why God gave it to us. Her son is going through a rough time in high school and she knows that all of these things that she has learned will help him.

We are doing a Book of Mormon reading challenge as a mission. They gave us a hard copy of The Book of Mormon and 3 colored pencils to highlight (Blue: Faith; Green: Character of Christ; Red: Atonement). We have an extra hour of studies and it has been the coolest thing to just be able to read and literally feel the power of The Book of Mormon! The church is true – the book is blue!

Kansas has a little snow – just enough to cover the ground – and then it freezes! So, literally everything is covered in ice which makes things quite entertaining for driving and even walking. We have already fallen a countless number of times; it has brought much humor to those driving by. Everything was so frozen that church was canceled yesterday and all the schools were canceled today. But to add on top of that, we ran out of miles on our car, so we are biking and walking for the rest of the transfer. It sure makes everything more entertaining and a lot colder. Many memories made and many more adventures to come in the next week.

"No treaty can establish more than a tenuous and temporary peace between nations....  Only the waters of baptism can permanently wash away the seeds of hatred and contention, bringing in their place, life and peace."

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 23, 2015

17 Months In Kansas And I Finally Get A Tornado!


Last Monday was a typical P-Day and we went over to a member’s house for dinner. They just moved here from Idaho and they were getting used to Kansas. Then, all of a sudden the wind outside picked up drastically and there was a ton of lightning! So, of course we all run to the window and us missionaries go outside and start taking pictures. The members got on their phones and found out that there was a tornado coming straight towards Dodge City. They just moved here so they started calling everyone. Us missionaries think it is the coolest thing and we are taking videos outside. Then, the sirens went off! Oh boy, you can’t miss them – they are so loud! It was so cool! The lightning was everywhere and the clouds were moving so fast but we never got to see the actual tornado because it turned before it hit Dodge. After all the excitement, we went down into the basement and had a nice FHE. Definitely a night to remember!

This week, I got to go on my last exchange with Sister Webb and it was just like old times! We counted and this was our 4th exchange with each other. She thought she had gotten rid of me after training – nope! It is truly amazing to see her grow and to be able to testify with so much power. We had many memories and many tears were shed on the exchange. I love Sister Webb so much and she will be a true disciple of Christ for the rest of her life!

I love biking as a missionary but I haven’t been able to bike since I have been in Liberal. But this week, I was on exchanges in Garden City and we got to ride bikes. I was smiling the whole time because it felt so good to be back on a bike. Sweet miracle – we were biking to an appointment across town and we rode by this house and the gal was just getting off of work. We were hurrying because we still had a long way to bike, so I just waved, smiled, and said, “Hello.” She smiled and waved back. I didn’t really think much of it – but later that night – we were biking back to their apartment and it was close to curfew but there was still a miracle out there! We passed her house again – but this time – we stopped and knocked. The lady answered and she recognized us from earlier that day. She invited us in and we were able to get to know her. Turns out that she is a teacher at the middle school, has a Toy Australian Shepherd, plays Rugby, likes watching “Vampire Diaries”, and was super open to the gospel! Sound familiar!? What a miracle! You never know what a little smile and wave can do to brighten someone else’s day.

On Saturday we had lunch and dinner – great, right!? Well... it was such good food – but both families were Hispanic – so they gave us a ton of food! My companion has been having this stomach thing that has been going around town so it makes her even more sick if she eats heavy foods. So what happens? I eat the majority of my food, then we somehow distract the members, and switch our plates so that I eat her food as well. Oh man, by the end of the day, I was rolling! I ate so much food. Good news is that she is feeling better so hopefully I only have to eat my food tonight.

Loretta's Baptism
Loretta got baptized! She is such an adorable gal that the Elders were teaching.

On Sunday, my companion and I got to speak about gratitude in Sacrament. We have a split ward – some speak Spanish and some speak English – so they have a translator. Sister Mendoza is boss and so she is the translator. So, when she gave her talk (in Spanish) another Elder translated for her. It was his first time and it was very stressful. So, in my head I thought, “maybe I could try it.” No! I lasted about 30 seconds and about died. So, thankfully another missionary came over and saved us both. Holy cow, whoever translates definitely has a gift – that was rough! Very humbling…

“If you do not feel it now, you can feel it again, but consider Nephi’s counsel. Be obedient, remember the times when you have felt the Spirit in the past, and ask in faith. Your answer will come, and you will feel the love and peace of the Savior. It may not come as quickly or in the format you desire, but the answer will come. Do not give up! Never give up!” – James B. Martino

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 16, 2015

Is This For Real?

Our Mission Photo – Can you find me?


Crazy week – full of three exchanges! I didn’t see my companion for three days so talk about missionary withdrawals. Sister Flores came up here to Dodge with me on Wednesday and it was so windy and cold! But the amazing thing about it was that we saw so many miracles! The funniest quote of the day was by a random guy that we met that said that he read The Book of Mormon. We asked him what he felt as he read it and what he liked about it. His response, “The Mormon church is just too perfect!” What!? That makes no sense as to why he wouldn’t join the church then! My response, “So what’s holding you back from coming?” He wasn’t too open – but it makes no sense – he is totally right! The gospel is perfect!

A member’s friend came to the Halloween party and we couldn’t find a way to get in contact with her. By talking to other people about her, we found out that she cuts hair – perfect! If I get a haircut, she’ll have to talk with us. So, we made an appointment, and she was super nice and we had a good conversation about her family but she was not open to the message about the gospel – darn! Now, my hair looks like I have a mullet! Well, it was worth a try.

I was able to go to Hugoton and they had a very important lesson that day. Their investigator, who was supposed to be baptized this weekend, dropped them with a text message and they hadn’t been able to set up an appointment until exchanges. It was one of the coolest lessons ever! There was another recent convert that came with us and she bore a beautiful testimony. We helped her realize why these blessings were coming into her life at this time and why she can’t just go to any church but she needs to come to “THE” church. By the end of the lesson, she was smiling and realized that this is the right path and others were trying to lead her away from the true joy that she can receive. She is getting baptized a week from Saturday!

I got to go back to my hometown of Liberal – blessed land! Somehow I have bad luck (especially with hair this week) because the cutest autistic gal attacked my hair! She was pulling it and wouldn’t let go. Her parents had to come pry her off because I had no idea what to do. I just sat there – praying my mullet would still be there. It is hilarious to look back on now...

Another random thing of the week – someone stole our license plate! What? I about died laughing! A cop had to come and report it and we have been driving around without a plate since Saturday. We get our temporary tag today – too funny!

The Primary Program was yesterday and the kids were the cutest things ever! They sang the song, “We’ll Bring the World His Truth.” The kids sang the first verse, and then the Young Men and Women went up and sang the second verse with them, and then the missionaries went up and sang the third verse with them. Holy powerful! I struggled at singing because there was a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. The gospel is true! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share the gospel with all those in which I come in contact with.

“The church is true, the book is blue.” – Hermana Adams

“In reality, the best way to help those we love – the best way to love them – is to continue to put the Savior first.” – Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 9, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Role Playing - Notice the "HICK" boots...


  • Monday: Movie night with Maria and Luis – so much fun!
  • Tuesday: District Meeting
  • Wednesday: MLC
  • Thursday: Liberal Zone Conference
  • Friday: Garden City Zone Conference
  • Saturday: Sister Mendoza’s 22nd birthday
  • Sunday: Best day of the week!

That is my week in a nutshell. We tried to teach as often as we could in between all of the meetings and driving. Just to put our driving into perspective … Wichita takes 3 hours, Liberal takes 1.5 hours, and Garden City takes 1 hour. But, there couldn’t be a more beautiful state to drive across, especially at this time of year.

“The miracle of the Atonement can make up for the imperfections in our performance.” – Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Costumes
Hermana Adams and Hermana Mendoza

This week went by pretty quick! On Tuesday, we met with our most favorite couple (Paige and Caleb). It was a long discussion about the Godhead – and in the end – we had to tell them that we weren’t just there to discuss and debate points of doctrine from the Bible but that we wanted to help them increase their faith and have spiritual experiences. After some bold words, the night ended awkwardly with Paige crying, a humbled Caleb, and a return appointment for this Thursday. It was a true miracle! They both were shocked and Caleb expressed that he hoped he would be a “strong enough Christian to accept that he could be proven wrong.” It was quite the night and we went home with a massive “What just happened!?” I’m still shocked but it’s going to be an amazing appointment this week!

We had transfers on Wednesday – Sister Mendoza and I are still together in Dodge! It was a hectic transfer! The local ward had their trunk-or-treat the same night. Dodge is a sort of a way-point for the rest of the areas in the western part of Kansas so there were confused missionaries and a whole ton of people. The miracle for that night was that our investigator Maria and her son Luis came to the activity with their cousins! They expressed that they really enjoyed themselves and the kids absolutely loved it! We love the members for introducing themselves and helping them ease into the activity – it was really busy. We saw some other miracles as well – a couple of members brought their friends and some less-actives actually came to an activity. We’ll see where those miracles take us this week.

It just rained all day long on Friday. We felt really bad for the elders that were on bikes this week because they were just soaking wet. I am just super grateful that we get our own car.

On Saturday, we had the amazing privilege of hearing from a newly ordained Apostle – Elder Gary E. Stevenson! It was an amazing, marvelous, absolutely spiritual meeting and we learned a lot from him as a mission. I learned a lot about what I can do better and focus on while I’m here in Dodge. It was just so great!

Sunday was pretty great, too! There is this member – who was baptized just a little over a year ago – who is just a wonderful example of how faith the size of a mustard seed can truly move mountains and not quite in the way you would expect. She lives about 20 minutes away from the church now in an even smaller town. She has three kids, no car, and no active members live in that town. Every week she is still able to somehow get a ride to Dodge and make it on time for church on Sunday – because goodness forbid she miss even one Sunday – one sacrament meeting! Really, I don’t think I can express how much I love this sister, her family, and the amount of effort and faith she puts into coming to church every week. She reads the scriptures and prays with her children daily and she makes sure everything is well with her family. She even expressed how she was looking forward to having an interview with the bishop so that she can go to the temple and receive her endowments! Prior to her being in a ward where there are translation services available, she attended an even smaller ward about 2 hours away where no one spoke Spanish. She still went to church every week – not understanding a single word said – but completely relying on the Spirit that she felt. She is such an amazing sister and a great example of faith, love, diligence, and obedience!

“When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, we also receive His image in our countenance and we are physically changed.”

“Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.” – D&C 138:56

“The Lord’s work is work, but it is a sweet labor.” – Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 26, 2015

Days in Dodge!


So, I figured out that I am officially a mutant this week and this is why…

  • Sister = Daughter of God
  • Ricci = Hispanic
  • Jo = Hick (e.g., Southern names like Bobby Jo, Sally Jo, etc.)
  • Adams = Crazy and Fun Family (The Addams Family)

I had the opportunity to go on exchanges in Hugoton this week. I went with Sister Samoni – who is Tongan – so Spanish is her 3rd language. Her first language is Tongan, English, and now Spanish. She was so much fun! I would not get into a fight with her because she is a strong girl who could beat you up yet she is the biggest sweetheart! She has convinced me into playing Rugby so that is the sport that I am going to try to pursue. On the exchange, amongst all of the good memories, we also saw many miracles. They are teaching a gal from Honduras who has just recently moved here with her daughters. She doesn’t know a lick of English and she has been very ill. Two Priesthood holders from the ward  who knew Spanish from their missionary service in the Dominican Republic  came over and were able to give her a blessing. It was such a spiritual experience. She didn’t quite understand what the Priesthood was but having two worthy men give her a blessing really connected the dots for her. She was indeed grateful and I really hope that she won’t forget the way that she felt.

Emily got baptized on Saturday! The Elders started talking with her about two and a half weeks ago and she is definitely part of the elect. She knew that this is what she needed in her life and that it would help her with every other aspect in her life (i.e., marriage, children, and work). Probably my favorite part of baptismal services is being the one who is in charge of showing them where to go, seeing them right before they go into the water, and giving them their towel right afterwards. There is no way that you could deny the Spirit during these experiences because there is a definite glow and light. She has got a bright future ahead and will definitely be a leader here in the Dodge City Ward. She is already making comments in Relief Society and is willing to share her testimony in front of everyone. After her baptism, she took us all out for Sushi and it was such a blast! She has a lot of friends that support her even though none of them are members. They were able to see the definite change in her.

Elder Myers – our District Leader – goes home (Utah) this week. It was so cool on Sunday to have his farewell as well as another farewell for a gal in our ward named Gabby Arkell. One leaving for the mission adventure and one returning home. My heart didn’t know what to feel during this time – the mission has been “Real Life” and I wouldn’t give back my mission experiences for anything. Elder Myers is an amazing missionary and has allowed the Savior to mold him into an even greater disciple and Gabby will soon have that same experience. Just let it happen – allow Him to change you and embrace it!

“Fasten your seat belts for the ride of your life.” – President Nelson

“With Christ, darkness cannot succeed. Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ.” – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“The scriptures are the word of God, they are God’s landmarks that show the way we should travel in order to draw closer to our Savior and reach worthy goals.” – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Misionera Amor
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 19, 2015

Specific Prayers


Last transfer, we were driving and we saw a lady taking her daughter on a walk in a stroller. We were heading to another appointment but felt super prompted to creepily stop and talk with her. So, we whipped around and started talking with her. She was super nice! But...not at all interested in The Book of Mormon. She did say that we could stop by her house and that she would like a visit from us. We were so confused – but why would the Spirit tell us that we needed to talk to her!? Then, we realized that maybe all she needed to know from us is that somebody cares for her. Well, a couple weeks later we were driving past her house (last week) and we decided to stop and just see how she was doing. We knocked and she recognized us and immediately let us in. We got talking with her, had a good trust-building time, had the Spirit there, and then when we pulled out The Book of Mormon she shut down and wouldn’t even accept it. What!? She wanted to have a study session with just the Bible so we left still wondering what it was that she needed. The next morning during personal study, we felt prompted to just text her and ask what version of the Bible she studied from. She responded and that was that. Then, 20 minutes later she texted us and asked, “Actually, could I get a copy of that Mormon book?” Of course! We dropped it off on our way out of town. Now, a couple of days ago we went over for the little “study session” with her and boy did she study! She had pages bookmarked in The Book of Mormon and pages written in her study notebook. We started with a prayer and then she went through everything that she had gone over. She went on for 20 minutes going through every “anti” thing that you would find on a Google search. She just kept talking and would reason her way through why it might be alright and then she would move on. We didn’t even have a chance to talk. But, it was the coolest thing ever! Because no matter how much she tried to disregard “The Book of Mormon”, the more she would contradict herself – I can't even explain it! At the end she said, “I’m not going to lie, you guys scare me. Now, I am not saying that this book is true because I don’t believe that it is, but how can you get so many people to follow you? You guys are so young and intelligent (if only she knew) and good at what you do. But for some reason it fascinates me. Don’t give up on me!” My heart was pounding the whole lesson and we didn’t really say much – the Spirit did everything. We are so excited for her and the power that The Book of Mormon has – it is true! Also, she was so excited for the visit that she even made us brownies.

Miracle Family #2: The Salina sisters texted us the address and number of a member’s sister that lives in Dodge. We didn’t know much about her, but why not, right? We gave her a call and she wasn’t freaked out by random gals calling her so we met with her and her 3 kids at the church the next day. Talk about a prepared family! They absorbed everything that was said and loved it! For about a week, we have been praying specifically to find a family of four, and then this happened! The other question that we had was that the youngest daughter was not baptismal age so was this the family of four!? For some reason (slept in – lame excuse), they didn’t come to church. So later that night we went out to their house in the country – love it! Their mom wasn’t home but their kids were there with their grandma. We brought over a pie that we had received from a gal earlier in the day, and thank goodness, it was a good way to get involved with the grandma and have an actual lesson with her. The grandma didn’t open up at first but I guess the little spice of sugar with the pie really opened her up. We had the coolest lesson with her and were able to figure out a lot of questions and concerns that she has. She even got to the point where she asked, “How much did Rea tell you?” The real answer is that we had no idea that the grandma even lived there with them so we didn't know anything. What a miracle! Now, it is the family of four (four that can be baptized). Specific prayers are real – you just have to have the faith to see.

Sisters Conference
We had a sweet Sisters Conference with all of the Sisters in the Kansas Wichita Mission (about 75 Sisters). We did Zumba, sweet trainings, and an amazing speaker from Texas that came and shared her conversion story. One of my favorite quotes from her talk was when she was telling us about a time that she was in the doctor’s office. Her daughter found out that she was a Mormon and the doctor warned her that if she kept with it that she would go to hell. Her response to him, “In your church I’m going to Hell and in my church I am going to Heaven – have a nice day!”

FYI – I learned how to dance Bachata and Punta – watch out world!

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 12, 2015


Mission Leaders Conference - Goofy!
Mission Leaders Conference - Serious!


“There is so much to do yet so little time left...” – Hermana Adams

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, October 5, 2015

On a Conference High!

Zone Conference

This week, I got the opportunity to go on exchanges with Sister Webb again but this time it was in Ulysses, KS. She is boss! She opened up this new area for Sisters and is training. She is the sweetest gal you will ever meet. A sweet miracle that we saw was that night we taught an English class – so much fun by the way! It was the first opportunity that I have had to teach English and I really enjoyed it. A cute young couple from Mexico showed up because they saw a flier from around town. We had the English class and then afterward we were able to show them around the church building and share some simple gospel truths with them. We are excited to see what will happen with them – exchange miracles! I felt a taste of the love of a mother – WOW – “moms” are the best!

Jone Starks got her temple recommend last week! You should have seen her face as she pulled it out to show us – it has been years! She has never actually gone inside of the temple and she is already making plans with her grandchildren – what a woman! We got to watch the first session of General Conference with them. They are so cute and they made us such a nice lunch to eat as we watched. They roasted pork-butt all night and went the whole 9-yards. They thoroughly enjoyed Conference and nothing is better than good food and feeling the Spirit as we listen to those called by God in a house out in the country.

Conference was AMAZING! Lise has officially gone 10 days without a single cigarette and she watched two sessions of General Conference. We watched the Priesthood session with her, and wow, so good! It was exactly what she needed to hear even though it was directed towards the Priesthood holders in the church. She did comment on how attractive the men in the church are – oh Lise! Also, the gal that had a seizure during Sacrament a couple weeks ago came to three sessions of Conference! It was an amazing miracle.

“Exaltation is our goal, discipleship is our journey.” – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Your faith will grow not by chance, but by choice.” – Neil L. Andersen

“We do not have to be perfect, but we need to be good and getting better.” – Kim B. Clark

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 28, 2015

Great Aunt Rose


My companion is a “boss” chef! She made a huge pan of Rico Arroz Con Pollo for our whole district and we almost finished it. I had 4 servings because it was so good! It is my fault that I have gained weight on my mission.

Service opportunities in Kansas include helping kids with their math homework. I haven’t had to do much math my whole mission but three gals in a row were struggling with their math homework so I got to help them. All three of them had different assignments but it was fun to go over their problems and help them learn some basic math principles and eternal gospel principles, too!

Obedience brings blessings! The Dameron’s are the most missionary-minded couple here in Dodge and they pray every day for opportunities to share the gospel. Both of them are return missionaries and they have a family with four children. They were doing their duty of cleaning the church when a couple and their 2 year old son randomly walked in. One of them only spoke Spanish and they said that they were interested in coming to church. The members both knew Spanish from their missions so they understood what they were saying. They knew that the church was focused on families and they wanted their son to grow up in that kind of environment. WHAT A HUGE MIRACLE! We met with them later that week and they are the sweetest things. They have a couple of things that they need to work through but their desire and faith in Christ will allow them to receive the eternal blessings of the gospel.

“Vertical validation is better than the worldly horizontal validation.” – Sister Wixom

“Pride does not look up to God and care about what is right. It looks sideways to man and argues who is right.” – President Benson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 21, 2015

Uncle Gary’s Special Day


I finally figured out my official race – I am a “Hick”spanic (a cross between a Hick and a Hispanic)!

Last week, a random gal came to sacrament meeting and had a seizure because she was on way too many drugs. Then, after the seizure, she freaked out and started throwing punches at our Stake President who was trying to help her. Talk about a memorable Sacrament meeting! DON’T DO DRUGS and DON’T DRINK! People out here take drugs and drinking to the next level because they say that there is nothing to do. But, it is gorgeous out here and you can’t beat the flatlands!

Last week, we went and played cowboy out on the farm again. We finished tying the fence posts that we started last time. It is amazing how much faster it goes when you finally figure out how to do it the right way! They made us some amazing elk burgers for lunch – living the life.

My new companion is Sister Mendoza! She is the sweetest sweetheart and diligent missionary that I have ever met. She is so selfless and always turns outward – never thinking about herself. She is from Oakdale, CA and is part Costa Rican and part El Salvadorian so her Spanish is phenomenal!

Katie, who is working so hard on breaking down her own wall, is really progressing. We watched a Mormon Message entitled “Hope of God’s Light.” Afterwards, we decided to start a fast with her – she went off of chocolate (ironic but she chose it herself) and I went off of desserts in order for her to have that extra strength to KNOW that God is there and that He has a perfect plan. It has only been a couple of days but both of us have seen how much more often this question is in our mind as we have been fasting. I sure hope that she finds out soon because I love ice cream – but it is totally worth it!

Random miracle...
A J.W. took a pamphlet and then the next day accepted a copy of The Book of Mormon. That is a huge step. Next step – baptism!

Uncle Gary's Baptism

Sunday was one of the best days of my mission – not only did I get to see Andy (who just recently got baptized and was literally glowing) but I got to witness the baptism of Uncle Gary! I felt as though I was going home as I walked into the Liberal Church building with people that I had really come to love. Uncle Gary was in shock that I actually made it but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! He looked so goofy – yet so pure – in his white suit. He was cracking jokes the whole time but grinning from ear to ear. Brother Hutton, Uncle Gary’s close friend for many years, baptized him. Before he performed the baptism, he said the sweetest words about Uncle Gary and what an honor it was to have this take place. Brother Hutton, Sister Hittle, and I were all in tears. Never have I felt the Spirit more strong at a baptism and to see sincere repentance emulating through a person.

“Divine covenants make strong Christians. I urge each one to qualify for and receive all the priesthood ordinances you can and then faithfully keep the promises you have made by covenant. In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth his hand to you, saying, Here am I.” – Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Share Vision, Teach Doctrine, and Show Love

Baptism Last Week  Ashley and Brenda

Crazy week! I felt as if I was hardly in Dodge this week...

  • Monday: Stake P-Day in Garden City
  • Tuesday: We Drove to Wichita
  • Wednesday: MLC and Texas Roadhouse
  • Thursday: Exchanges in Hugoton with Sister Dahl (flashback)
  • Friday: Zone Training in Garden City
  • Saturday and Sunday: DODGE! Home, Sweet Home

Andy (from Liberal) got baptized on Saturday – talk about a miracle! There may have been tears! Also, Uncle Gary is getting baptized this weekend! Can I get a whoot, whoot!?

“I assure each of you and the entire world that there is unity and brotherhood with total and united fidelity to one undergirding objective, and that is to build the Kingdom of God in the earth.” – President Gordon B. Hinckley

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, August 31, 2015

Bed Bugs...


Yep – it is official – we had bed bugs and it was the worst thing ever! I have slept without a pillow for a week straight – but no worries – I get it back today. They could have been a lot worse but we were able to catch them soon enough. I just had a line of bites on my neck leading down my right arm – joy! The funny thing is  that night we washed all of our stuff and got new cover things and everything. We had four of the Sisters sleep over in our apartment for interviews the next day. They were all nervous but it all worked out!

Ashley’s and Brenda’s baptisms were yesterday and they are such valiant young girls! They are such sweethearts and were so nervous to be in a big white suit. We just told them that they were angels and they accepted it. It was a big family celebration and their mom made “bomb” empanadas. The girls received their cute CTR rings that they wore for the rest of the day. Even Olivia, their younger sister who was already baptized, got one. The girls, Sister Eyre and I all match now with our CTR rings. That night we had a Mission President’s devotional in Garden City and the three girls came. Ashley even shared her testimony in front of everyone! Did I mention that she is only 11!? Yeah – talk about stellar!

At the Mission President’s devotional, I saw Andy Lovato from Liberal! Oh my goodness, I just about cried when I saw him there. One of the first things he said to me was that he is going to be baptized this Saturday (he hadn’t told many people this). The whole devotional I had to hold back tears because I couldn’t stop thinking about Andy and how excited I was for him. It is official – he is going to be in the Bishopric one day – he just needs to get wet!

So, when I met these two young less-active members here in Dodge, I may have faked an English accent. At the end of the lesson, I told them that I was joking and we have had a bond ever since. Yesterday at church, they came and told us that they wanted us to meet their friend from Trinidad who has a real accent. After church we went over to meet him and we were supposed to talk in our accents but my Southern accent kept coming back. Anyways, their friend was so sweet and so prepared! He accepted The Book of Mormon like a champ and he has so many great morals without even knowing the gospel. It is amazing what a little fake accent can do!

“As a result of the many miracles in our lives, we should be more humble and more grateful, more kind and more believing. When we are personal witnesses to these wonders which God performs, it should increase our respect and love for him; it should improve the way we behave. We will live better and love more if we will remember that. We are miracles in our own right, every one of us, and the resurrected Son of God is the greatest miracle of all. He is, indeed, the miracle of miracles, and every day of his life he gave evidence of it. We should try to follow after him in that example.” – Howard W. Hunter

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunflower Fields


I got to go back to my roots once again – good old Lamar! On our way there, I saw my first legit sunflower field – gorgeous! So, of course, we had to stop and take plenty of pictures. Lamar is growing so much! The Hicks just reached their year mark but they are living in Arizona now. So, they will soon be going to the temple to be sealed and I’m so happy for them!

We had a church tour with Katie (mom of a member). She has a lot of questions and concerns but it was the most amazing experience to stand in front of the baptismal font and let the Spirit work. She questioned about children and their innocence and how it played a part in God’s plan. Thank you to The Book of Mormon! We were able to share scriptures with her in regards to children and their innocence and testify that God does have a perfect plan and everyone will have the chance to accept the gospel whether in this life or in the next. The answer of that one question worked for her and opened her eyes to more of God’s glory.

Last night, we had the BEST FHE with the Soriano family. The Elders came with us and we did a live “Iron Rod” activity. We led them through their backyard with eight of the nine kids and their parents (baby was too little) and then we sang families can be together forever! They were all very touched by it – but more importantly – they learned a lifelong principle. Ashley and Brenda’s baptism is this Sunday. They have already started handing out their invitations and telling everyone! We are so excited for them.

“If we hold tightly to the word of God, we will remain on the pathway to eternal life.” – Elder L. Tom Perry

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, August 17, 2015

Reading is Believing


Ashley and Brenda Soriano (ages 11 and 13) are the most amazing girls that I have met. We talked to them about the Word of Wisdom and the only one that they had an issue with was tea. We asked them if we could go off of something and they go off of tea – so that we could work on it together. They said, “You don’t need to do that – if this is what the Lord wants us to do – then we have no problem giving up tea.” Now this is coming from young girls – talk about faith! They absolutely love the youth programs and they read The Book of Mormon everyday together and tell us everything that they read. I have never had a 13 year old girl read over the story of Laban once and tell it in such great detail and understand it. She is already talking about serving a mission! What!? Unreal.

When we did service for “Dodge City Days” – we saw a family that was really adorable but didn’t get the chance to talk with them. Last week we drove by and saw one of the girls outside so we stopped and talked with them. Anyhow, we had our return appointment this week and the husband was there this time. The first thing that he said was, “I took this (holding the copy of The Book of Mormon that we gave them) to my Preacher and we talked about it – I have a couple of questions.” Talk about adrenaline rush as a missionary – Yee Haw! So we started with a prayer, and when it came time for him to ask his questions, he didn't remember what he was doubting. It is truly amazing how the Spirit works and brings to remembrance the things that truly matter. We were able to have a powerful Restoration lesson and you could literally see the Spirit working in each of them.

Jazmin and Hillary got baptized on Saturday – whoot, whoot! There were many of their non-member family members that showed up so the little room was packed. Their parents are so adorable and they brought pictures to put out on the table. We had a fantastic lunch (hot Mole) afterwards.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell:
Patience is not indifference. Actually, it means caring very much but being willing, nevertheless, to submit to the Lord and to what the scriptures call the "process of time." Patience is a willingness, in a sense, to watch the unfolding purposes of God with a sense of wonder and awe, rather than pacing up and down within the cell of our circumstance. Put another way, too much anxious opening of the oven door and the cake falls instead of rising. So it is with us. If we are always selfishly taking our temperature to see if we are happy, we will not be.

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, August 10, 2015

Let It Rain


Well, I had to say goodbye to Sister Valdivia. It is amazing how close you get with your companions – and when they leave – it is like some part of you is missing. We had the most powerful Restoration lesson with her last night. We went with Darcie (recent convert) and Cesar (her husband) to get snow cones. We finished eating and were talking about The Restoration. It started to sprinkle outside but we just kept trucking along. Before we knew it, we were drenched and it was pouring rain! But none of us stood up to get dry until after 5 minutes in the pouring rain. Then, we finished the lesson in their car. It is amazing to see how bad he truly wants it. He has some issues with the Word of Wisdom – but he has seen the change in his wife – and wants that same kind of joy in his life.

Jone and John (less-actives) that live in a super cute country home are coming back to church! Two weeks in a row – can I get a whoot, whoot? We talked about the Plan of Salvation with them – and for the first time – they were able to understand the fundamentals of God’s plan. There is nothing that brings more joy than seeing others be able to grasp that concept. There is a purpose here and most do not see it through all of the fog.

The Elders have been working with a family of nine kids and all of the kids are baptized except the two girls – Ashley (age 11) and Brenda (age 13). They asked us to go over and try to connect with them so we connected with them through dance. Yes – Sister Adams cannot dance at all – but it was enough to build this relationship. Well, last night Ashley told us that she now feels comfortable and wants to be baptized! She has loved all of the classes and she and her sister call Activity Days “Craft Nights.”

Sister Eyre is amazing! We have had so much fun and have seen so many miracles. She is so talented and has a beautiful voice! Another thing – Sister Adams cannot sing. But you would be amazed at how many times we have been singing in lessons this last week. Sister Eyre has a beautiful voice and it immediately brings the Spirit.

“The eternal perspective of the gospel leads us to understand the place that we occupy in God’s plan.” – Rafael E. Pino

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, August 3, 2015

Home on the Range

Hermana Adams and Hermana Valdivia  One Last Time


This week was Gloria’s baptism! Her face was priceless as she came out of the water – and after everything – she went around and thanked everyone personally for coming. She was literally glowing the next day! The church is true and the Gift of the Holy Ghost is a sacred gift.

We had the privilege to go play cowgirls on P-Day at a member’s farm. They picked us up at 7:00 am, made us breakfast, we went out and tied wire for a couple of hours, ate lunch, tied more wire, played a little bit of pool, and then ate FANTASTIC steaks. We are all officially “red necks” and had so much fun!

There is not a temple anywhere near us but it is amazing the Spirit that you feel out in the middle of nowhere – beautiful Kansas!

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, July 27, 2015



It’s official – I actually really enjoy seafood now! We had tostadas con camaron – another one of the best things that I have eaten – but it was also 1 of 3 meals that we had that day. A less-active 17 year old girl made it for us and her sister is 8 years old and is preparing to be baptized – whoot, whoot! They haven’t been to church in 2-3 years and they came the past two Sundays in a row – love it!

I was able to go on exchanges with Sister Webb this week – can you say flashback? We had so much fun! It was truly amazing to see how much she truly has grown and her confidence in herself and in her testimony. She is one of the sweetest girls that I know and she is such a hard and dedicated worker. She is the lucky charm because we were able to contact two of our potentials on the exchange that we have been trying to contact for a long time – love it!

Last Sunday at church – a gal from Derby, KS came to visit her granddaughter (Jackie) who is a member but nobody else is. We were talking to her and she said that Jackie’s mom (Katie) mentioned that she is now opening up to learn more about the gospel. We got in contact with her and met her at the church for a lesson – holy spiritual! When we asked her at one point during the lesson how she felt – she said, “Awkward.” Our hearts dropped – what does that mean? So we asked her and she said, “Of all the people that I have talked to about religion, nobody ever explained it in the way that you guys did. They never tried to relate the scriptures to me and find meaning while reading them.” It was so amazing! The member that came with us to the lesson was like, “I want to come – please, please let me know when you meet with her again.”

Dodge City Days and the parade are the best! They called us this week and we are volunteering at the rodeo – boo yeah! Also, Trace Adkins came to concert with some other wonderful country singers. Let’s just say that it is a good thing that they did not need our help for any part of the concert because that is our Achilles heel.

“Above all, do not be selfish! Generate a Spirit of selflessness and generosity. Celebrate and commemorate each day together as a treasured gift from Heaven.” – President Russell M. Nelson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, July 20, 2015

Family Reunions

Who needs to sing when you can do this!?


This week was so amazing! What could be better than exchanges in Liberal and Lamar!? It was so weird being back in Liberal because it felt like I had never left. We got to have dinner with the Hartley family. I gave Mama Hartley the biggest hug and it was so good to be “home” (my Liberal home). I didn’t get to see Uncle Gary because he had to work late out at the water pipes but I did get to talk to him on the phone. Sister Hittle came out with us and she is a powerhouse – talk about a strong woman. I got to see so many other people that I truly love. It was so good to see the new investigators that the Sisters are working with and to know that the Lord is truly hastening the work and leading them to those that are ready. Liberal is growing exponentially – there are stellar missionaries and members there.

We went straight from Liberal to Lamar (3 hour drive). On our way, we stopped in a small town called Ulysses to have lunch. We went to a cute Mexican restaurant on Main Street that had AMAZING food! Their homemade sauce was the best kind I have had so far. The missionaries there told us to go to the Palateria because their investigator owns it. He saw that we were missionaries so he gave us free ice cream and it was huge! Nothing better than small towns where they know who missionaries are and they respect them. We actually started writing a “Small Town Problems” book. A new thing we added to our book: We just finished eating and walked over to our car. I was driving so Sister Valdivia was standing behind the car to help me back out of the parking stall. I opened up the door, put my bag inside, and then paused! All of our suitcase stuff and everything was gone! I turned to Sister Valdivia and said, “Yo, where’s our stuff?” We stood there silent for a good 10 seconds and then realized that it wasn’t our car. We about died laughing as we ran to our car that was 2 cars over. Small Town Problems – People do not lock their car doors!

Lamar – wow it has been so long! Since I left, Lamar got a new Taco Truck that is apparently super amazing! Also, the Sisters have been having mice problems again so they had traps set all around the house (probably about 12 of them). They did find where most of them were coming in – there is a hole underneath the sink. We had dinner with the Miller family – and once again – another family reunion! They had a big barbecue and invited members of the ward to come. I got to go on exchanges with Sister Jordan who is such an amazing missionary! She is 23 and the sweetest girl that you will ever meet. We were talking to a gal outside mowing her lawn – and not too long afterward – she stopped mowing and talked with us for a good 20 minutes. It was so amazing to see the bits and pieces of the Plan of Salvation that she knew but she was missing some major gaps. The coolest part was seeing her face grow lighter and lighter as the testimonies shared sparked a remembrance for her and knowing that she is ready to make and keep sacred covenants.

After being gone for a couple days, it was so nice to be back home in Dodge where the hills seem like mountains and there are no mice in our apartment. I love it! The gospel is true and the only way that we will find true happiness is by abiding by its precepts – “Live the Gospel Joyfully!” We met the cutest gal from England this week and I learned something very valuable from her – “Work to live, don’t live to work!” That was one of the biggest differences that she saw when she moved to the United States. Sometimes we just go through the motions, but we need to change our nature, and truly enjoy the nature around us. I love Kansas!

“But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.” – Jacob 2:18

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams