Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Costumes
Hermana Adams and Hermana Mendoza

This week went by pretty quick! On Tuesday, we met with our most favorite couple (Paige and Caleb). It was a long discussion about the Godhead – and in the end – we had to tell them that we weren’t just there to discuss and debate points of doctrine from the Bible but that we wanted to help them increase their faith and have spiritual experiences. After some bold words, the night ended awkwardly with Paige crying, a humbled Caleb, and a return appointment for this Thursday. It was a true miracle! They both were shocked and Caleb expressed that he hoped he would be a “strong enough Christian to accept that he could be proven wrong.” It was quite the night and we went home with a massive “What just happened!?” I’m still shocked but it’s going to be an amazing appointment this week!

We had transfers on Wednesday – Sister Mendoza and I are still together in Dodge! It was a hectic transfer! The local ward had their trunk-or-treat the same night. Dodge is a sort of a way-point for the rest of the areas in the western part of Kansas so there were confused missionaries and a whole ton of people. The miracle for that night was that our investigator Maria and her son Luis came to the activity with their cousins! They expressed that they really enjoyed themselves and the kids absolutely loved it! We love the members for introducing themselves and helping them ease into the activity – it was really busy. We saw some other miracles as well – a couple of members brought their friends and some less-actives actually came to an activity. We’ll see where those miracles take us this week.

It just rained all day long on Friday. We felt really bad for the elders that were on bikes this week because they were just soaking wet. I am just super grateful that we get our own car.

On Saturday, we had the amazing privilege of hearing from a newly ordained Apostle – Elder Gary E. Stevenson! It was an amazing, marvelous, absolutely spiritual meeting and we learned a lot from him as a mission. I learned a lot about what I can do better and focus on while I’m here in Dodge. It was just so great!

Sunday was pretty great, too! There is this member – who was baptized just a little over a year ago – who is just a wonderful example of how faith the size of a mustard seed can truly move mountains and not quite in the way you would expect. She lives about 20 minutes away from the church now in an even smaller town. She has three kids, no car, and no active members live in that town. Every week she is still able to somehow get a ride to Dodge and make it on time for church on Sunday – because goodness forbid she miss even one Sunday – one sacrament meeting! Really, I don’t think I can express how much I love this sister, her family, and the amount of effort and faith she puts into coming to church every week. She reads the scriptures and prays with her children daily and she makes sure everything is well with her family. She even expressed how she was looking forward to having an interview with the bishop so that she can go to the temple and receive her endowments! Prior to her being in a ward where there are translation services available, she attended an even smaller ward about 2 hours away where no one spoke Spanish. She still went to church every week – not understanding a single word said – but completely relying on the Spirit that she felt. She is such an amazing sister and a great example of faith, love, diligence, and obedience!

“When we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, we also receive His image in our countenance and we are physically changed.”

“Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.” – D&C 138:56

“The Lord’s work is work, but it is a sweet labor.” – Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

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