Monday, July 7, 2014

Week Four In Paradise

Hermana Fitzgerald, Hermana Sanford, Hermana Adams


I love to see the Temple!

Well, Hermana Ballard has not been having the best of luck down here in Mexico. We were playing basketball during gym and one of the Elders nailed her in the head with the ball and she got a concussion. So sad, but hilarious! Later that day, she had a big headache and when you looked into her eyes, they would go all crazy. We took her to the doctor and he just said not to play sports for a couple days, but now she is fine!

I thought I would be sad not being home for the 4th of July, but they treated us so well down here. It honestly looked like there were walking flags everywhere because everyone was wearing red, white, and blue! They are so sweet - they set up red, white, and blue tablecloths in the comedor (dining room) for us to eat on during our meals. They also served us barbecue sandwiches, watermelon, and apple pie for dessert. How much more American can you get? It did have a Mexican taste to it, but we were all grateful for their kindness and love. They also invited us all to stand up and sing our National Anthem during lunch, what an experience! It was so awesome, never have I felt so much power in that song. I love America!! And Mexico!

Not only am I in a choir, but I had to be the chorister on Sunday. What is happening to me? It was hilarious though, I thought I knew how to lead, but I was struggling. Good thing everyone is just looking down at their hymn books because they don't know the song in Spanish. My companion, Hermana Ballard, was doing the hand motions in her seat so that I would know what to do. For the last song our Branch President got up and said that we would just have the prayer because of time. He said this in Spanish - and so I didn't get the memo - so I stood up to lead and it was super embarrassing! But sacrament was awesome! Hearing all of these missionaries bear their testimony in a language that they had just learned in a couple of weeks and bearing testimony of their Lord and Savior is truly inspiring, the Spirit was so strong.

My companion Hermana Shumway told me the way I feel the Spirit is in Job 4:15 - "Then a Spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up."  She told me this because you can always tell when I am feeling the Spirit because I always get chills, I love feeling the Spirit here.

Our water heater wasn't working for part of this week, so our showers were freezing! But don't worry, I still showered! I have never taken such quick showers in my life.

This morning we went to the temple, what an amazing experience! We were not able to go inside because it is under construction, but the visitor center was so sweet. We got a little tour and then watched a video about families. Boy, how I love my family, I am so glad that I can be with them forever. We didn't have much time there, so we hurried and took a couple pictures and then went to their little store that they had. The temple is beautiful!

The drive to and from the temple was so sweet. It was nice to get out of the CCM for a little bit. It is amazing how different it is here. What a humbling experience and such a different culture! We would wave to all the people and it was such a good feeling when they would wave back with such a big smile.

Misionera Amor!

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