Monday, August 11, 2014

My Two Month Mark – WHAT!?



Can you believe that it has already been two months? Man, time flies by...especially in the field. This week was great!

We ate dinner at a member’s house this week with the Elders and we had tacos. Elder Apgood ate a jalapeno and his whole face swelled up! It was hilarious. His lips turned super red and he tried everything to cool his mouth and lips down. He was sweating like crazy! He drank milk, used ice, ice cream, ChapStick, sat by the air conditioner, EVERYTHING! We went to a birthday party right after dinner so he was miserable the whole time. The heat lasted about an hour. Apparently they were different jalapenos. The rest of us were smart and didn't grab any to eat.

I had my first exchange this week and it was amazing! I went with Sister Huff to Dodge City, KS. We had dinner at a member’s house with the other set of sister missionaries there in Dodge. The family we ate with all spoke Spanish and English, but the mom only knew Spanish. I was the only Spanish speaking missionary there, so the kids would translate what was said to their mom. After dinner when it came time for a little lesson, Sister Huff turned to me and asked if I would give it in Spanish. I was not expecting that, so I just did what I could and gave the thought in Spanish. None of the other missionaries knew anything that was said – and to be honest – the family probably didn't understand either. Regardless, it was an amazing experience and the Spirit really blessed me at that time with the gift of tongues, because my Spanish is very little. Gotta love Spanish and the Spirit!

After dinner we had an appointment with a gal named Cece. They found Cece at a gas station. A couple years ago Cece met with missionaries and knew a lot about our church. Long story short – when the missionaries went over for their first visit – Cece came out with 5 Book of Mormons, multiple copies of all the pamphlets, and the Christ video in Spanish. She knew that everything was true; she was just waiting to meet with missionaries and be baptized. It was a miracle! She is an amazing woman. She lives on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere on a little farm with every animal imaginable. She had so many ducks! Of course, I took a picture of all of them because I thought it was hilarious. But there is no way that the missionaries would have found her at her house, and that is why the Spirit directed these missionaries to meet her at the gas station.

On the way to Zone Conference this week (2 hours away), we had a HUGE storm! It was sweet! When we first left, it wasn't bad at all. After 5 minutes of driving – it was hailing, raining, wind blowing, and we could hardly see in front of us. Thanks to Kansas and Colorado, the towns are like 20-30 miles apart. So, at some point, we just pulled off on the side of the road and said a prayer because we didn't know what to do. Then we continued to keep going until we got to Holly. Once we got to Holly, we waited out a little bit of the storm and called the District Leaders to see what we should do. The storm settled and we were able to make it safely. What an adventure!

One of our appointments on Saturday fell through so we decided to go see a less active named Elise Perez. I have never met her before and it had been a while since the missionaries had seen her. We were on our way to her house and Sister Moser wanted to hurry and stop at the little grocery store so she could get some cold water (she ONLY drinks cold water, she is funny). We stopped at the store and as we were checking out we were talking to the cashier, and then the cashier said that she used to see missionaries like us. We got really excited, and turns out it was Elise Perez! What!? It was awesome – what a miracle.

The Hicks family (baptism is on the 24th) had their in-laws over this weekend and they are very anti-Mormon. It kind of caused tension at their home so we were really worried that they wouldn't come to church. They live in Syracuse so it is an hour away from the church. They don't have much money so it makes it really hard for them to come to church. Hermana Moser and I went to church and the Hicks weren't there. It was so sad – but then 10 minutes after church started – they all walked in. It was such a great feeling! This is the first time I have seen them at church and I don't know how to explain it; it was just amazing to see them walk into the chapel. Gotta love being a missionary!

Lamar only has one ward and the ward is kind of struggling right now. People really don't interact with one another and they aren't really united as one – they are very individual. That is our big focus for the week because we need a strong ward to keep our investigators and recent converts active. We have a ward BBQ this week, so hopefully that will help. Our area is about 1 hour in every direction of Lamar so it is huge! We mainly focus in Lamar because it is a lot of miles to get out to the little towns and hard to have someone drive an hour to church – but it is definitely possible!

Thought of the Week (Lawrence E. Corbridge):
"You may permit the Lord to change your nature if you give yourself to Him and to His work. He cannot work on what He does not have, and He cannot have you, unless you give yourself, to Him.”

Misionera Amor
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

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