Monday, September 28, 2015

Great Aunt Rose


My companion is a “boss” chef! She made a huge pan of Rico Arroz Con Pollo for our whole district and we almost finished it. I had 4 servings because it was so good! It is my fault that I have gained weight on my mission.

Service opportunities in Kansas include helping kids with their math homework. I haven’t had to do much math my whole mission but three gals in a row were struggling with their math homework so I got to help them. All three of them had different assignments but it was fun to go over their problems and help them learn some basic math principles and eternal gospel principles, too!

Obedience brings blessings! The Dameron’s are the most missionary-minded couple here in Dodge and they pray every day for opportunities to share the gospel. Both of them are return missionaries and they have a family with four children. They were doing their duty of cleaning the church when a couple and their 2 year old son randomly walked in. One of them only spoke Spanish and they said that they were interested in coming to church. The members both knew Spanish from their missions so they understood what they were saying. They knew that the church was focused on families and they wanted their son to grow up in that kind of environment. WHAT A HUGE MIRACLE! We met with them later that week and they are the sweetest things. They have a couple of things that they need to work through but their desire and faith in Christ will allow them to receive the eternal blessings of the gospel.

“Vertical validation is better than the worldly horizontal validation.” – Sister Wixom

“Pride does not look up to God and care about what is right. It looks sideways to man and argues who is right.” – President Benson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 21, 2015

Uncle Gary’s Special Day


I finally figured out my official race – I am a “Hick”spanic (a cross between a Hick and a Hispanic)!

Last week, a random gal came to sacrament meeting and had a seizure because she was on way too many drugs. Then, after the seizure, she freaked out and started throwing punches at our Stake President who was trying to help her. Talk about a memorable Sacrament meeting! DON’T DO DRUGS and DON’T DRINK! People out here take drugs and drinking to the next level because they say that there is nothing to do. But, it is gorgeous out here and you can’t beat the flatlands!

Last week, we went and played cowboy out on the farm again. We finished tying the fence posts that we started last time. It is amazing how much faster it goes when you finally figure out how to do it the right way! They made us some amazing elk burgers for lunch – living the life.

My new companion is Sister Mendoza! She is the sweetest sweetheart and diligent missionary that I have ever met. She is so selfless and always turns outward – never thinking about herself. She is from Oakdale, CA and is part Costa Rican and part El Salvadorian so her Spanish is phenomenal!

Katie, who is working so hard on breaking down her own wall, is really progressing. We watched a Mormon Message entitled “Hope of God’s Light.” Afterwards, we decided to start a fast with her – she went off of chocolate (ironic but she chose it herself) and I went off of desserts in order for her to have that extra strength to KNOW that God is there and that He has a perfect plan. It has only been a couple of days but both of us have seen how much more often this question is in our mind as we have been fasting. I sure hope that she finds out soon because I love ice cream – but it is totally worth it!

Random miracle...
A J.W. took a pamphlet and then the next day accepted a copy of The Book of Mormon. That is a huge step. Next step – baptism!

Uncle Gary's Baptism

Sunday was one of the best days of my mission – not only did I get to see Andy (who just recently got baptized and was literally glowing) but I got to witness the baptism of Uncle Gary! I felt as though I was going home as I walked into the Liberal Church building with people that I had really come to love. Uncle Gary was in shock that I actually made it but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! He looked so goofy – yet so pure – in his white suit. He was cracking jokes the whole time but grinning from ear to ear. Brother Hutton, Uncle Gary’s close friend for many years, baptized him. Before he performed the baptism, he said the sweetest words about Uncle Gary and what an honor it was to have this take place. Brother Hutton, Sister Hittle, and I were all in tears. Never have I felt the Spirit more strong at a baptism and to see sincere repentance emulating through a person.

“Divine covenants make strong Christians. I urge each one to qualify for and receive all the priesthood ordinances you can and then faithfully keep the promises you have made by covenant. In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth his hand to you, saying, Here am I.” – Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Share Vision, Teach Doctrine, and Show Love

Baptism Last Week  Ashley and Brenda

Crazy week! I felt as if I was hardly in Dodge this week...

  • Monday: Stake P-Day in Garden City
  • Tuesday: We Drove to Wichita
  • Wednesday: MLC and Texas Roadhouse
  • Thursday: Exchanges in Hugoton with Sister Dahl (flashback)
  • Friday: Zone Training in Garden City
  • Saturday and Sunday: DODGE! Home, Sweet Home

Andy (from Liberal) got baptized on Saturday – talk about a miracle! There may have been tears! Also, Uncle Gary is getting baptized this weekend! Can I get a whoot, whoot!?

“I assure each of you and the entire world that there is unity and brotherhood with total and united fidelity to one undergirding objective, and that is to build the Kingdom of God in the earth.” – President Gordon B. Hinckley

Misionera Amor!
Siempre Una Aventura
Hermana Adams